Category: Year 6

Year 6 World War II DT Project

18th October 2019

As part of their studies about WWII this term year 6 have been making model Anderson shelters in design and technology lessons. They researched the shelters and discovered that they were made out of corrugated iron. They substituted the iron for corrugated card. The children all worked very hard to produce their models using wood,…

Lyndhurst Christmas Card Competition Results

14th October 2019

All the Children in the school recently designed their own Christmas cards. Mr Rudkin looked at all the wonderful designs and chose a winner in each year group. The winners this year are Kaeto, Zayn, Lexi, Trinity, Sofia K, Nitya, Sophia S and Kyle. Sophia’s card with the winter scene and reindeer was chosen as…

Farewell to Lyndhurst

9th August 2019

Our Year 6 Leavers enjoyed a lovely evening during their last week. They bought their parents to school for a drinks reception and then the Leavers enjoyed an evening of good food and lots of dancing. Good Luck everyone. You are always part of the Lyndhurst Family and will always be welcome.

Whole School Sports Day @ The RMA

8th July 2019

Reception to Year 6 had a fabulous Sports day at the Royal Military Academy! Everyone enjoyed their day and there was fantastic effort and sportsmanship all round. Lyndhurst pupils did the staff proud and it was evident that they had all made great improvements in sport throughout the year. The day started with a fabulous…

Lyndhurst Gets Quizzical!

5th July 2019

University Challenge has got nothing on us!  The Annual Lyndhurst School House Quiz took place in a ‘hot-house’ – quite literally – of questions and answers. After a valiant battle, Yorktown were victorious!  Well done Yorktown!

Year 6 – Wheeling & Dealing for Charity

5th July 2019

This week saw the Bring and Buy sale return to Lyndhurst, and Year 6 had been spending the week sorting and organising the items brought in by the rest of the school to go on sale. Come Thursday morning, in the glorious summer sun, we set up our tables in the playground and arranged the…

Moving on Up

28th June 2019

There was a real buzz in the air in the morning as the children and teachers were so excited about visiting their classroom and meeting their form teacher for September. With Mrs Doig Reception 2019 listened to the story ‘What I Like’ and shared with their friends what they would like.  They found out that…

Miller’s Ark @ Lyndhurst

18th June 2019

On Monday 17th June, the children had a great opportunity to learn facts about some farm animals as they were visited by a mobile farm. The farmer showed them different types of eggs and let them stroke a cockerel, a gosling, and a duck. The children were allowed to go inside a pen with donkeys,…

Cooling Off in Summer – A demonstration by Air Products

18th June 2019

Cooling Off in Summer Air Products came to visit us and with them they brought all sorts of science goodies – including a freezing tank of liquid nitrogen! They ran demonstrations and workshops for the school, and the children got the opportunity to learn about the freezing points of liquids and gases, about the conductivity…

Wales 2019 – A Year 6 Adventure

18th June 2019

What a Week in Wales… Year 6 returned from their Wales trip, thoroughly exhausted but riding their continued excitement. So much happened over the 5 days it’s difficult to know what to recap. Over all 5, we dined on the breakfast and dinner of Kings – wonderful home cooked food was presented tom us each…