Category: Year 5

Whole School Sports Day @ The RMA

8th July 2019

Reception to Year 6 had a fabulous Sports day at the Royal Military Academy! Everyone enjoyed their day and there was fantastic effort and sportsmanship all round. Lyndhurst pupils did the staff proud and it was evident that they had all made great improvements in sport throughout the year. The day started with a fabulous…

Lyndhurst Gets Quizzical!

5th July 2019

University Challenge has got nothing on us!  The Annual Lyndhurst School House Quiz took place in a ‘hot-house’ – quite literally – of questions and answers. After a valiant battle, Yorktown were victorious!  Well done Yorktown!

Year 5 DT – Greek Pots

28th June 2019

Year 5 used clay to make replica Greek pots in their design and technology lessons this term. They made the pots by hand and let the clay air dry, then painted them with Ancient Greek designs. Some of them looked very authentic.

Moving on Up

28th June 2019

There was a real buzz in the air in the morning as the children and teachers were so excited about visiting their classroom and meeting their form teacher for September. With Mrs Doig Reception 2019 listened to the story ‘What I Like’ and shared with their friends what they would like.  They found out that…

Year 5 visit Corrina Lodge to share their Art and Adventures

26th June 2019

Year 5 visited Corrina Lodge care home on Friday for their art competition. The children first gave a presentation about their French trip, which was enjoyed by everyone there. Then it was time for the results of the art competition. The residents have enjoyed looking at the children’s art work and voted for their favourite…

Miller’s Ark @ Lyndhurst

18th June 2019

On Monday 17th June, the children had a great opportunity to learn facts about some farm animals as they were visited by a mobile farm. The farmer showed them different types of eggs and let them stroke a cockerel, a gosling, and a duck. The children were allowed to go inside a pen with donkeys,…

Cooling Off in Summer – A demonstration by Air Products

18th June 2019

Cooling Off in Summer Air Products came to visit us and with them they brought all sorts of science goodies – including a freezing tank of liquid nitrogen! They ran demonstrations and workshops for the school, and the children got the opportunity to learn about the freezing points of liquids and gases, about the conductivity…

France 2019 – Year 5’s Normandy Adventure

18th June 2019

Year 5 have safely returned from their three day trip to Normandy, France. Leaving school at 5am (!) on Tuesday morning, we journeyed to Portsmouth where we boarded the Mont St. Michel ferry to start our six hour crossing to Caen. Breakfast and lunch were enjoyed on board and a film ‘Incredibles 2’, a spot…

ISA Athletics Success

7th June 2019

Lyndhurst school had a fantastic day at the ISA Athletics! We took 5 pupils and both Rupert and Alice were awarded medals! Alice placed 3rd in the 150m and Rupert came second in the long jump! Seb won one of his heats and Alice another! All the pupils did themselves proud and supported each other…

Year 5 Bikeability

10th May 2019

Despite the heavy rainfall and freezing conditions, Year 5 braved the elements and successfully completed their Bikeability Level 1 Course. They were taught how to check their bikes for faults, the basics of safe riding and indicating turning and safe braking. They also did ‘cycle-dancing’ –  riding around in figures of eight and controlling their…