Category: Year 5

Spring Recordings

24th March 2021

We were blown away by musical Lyndhurst talent with the recent Spring Recordings. These recordings took place instead of our usual Spring Concert this term. The children adapted to the filming of their performances like true professionals and their pieces were beautiful. Special thanks go to all of the children first and foremost for the…

Lyndhurst is Keeping Active

22nd March 2021

A lesson we have all learnt throughout this time is that getting out and keeping active is key for our all round well being. We are more appreciative of being able to continue this together at school now more than ever. Year groups have been getting out in the fresh Spring air and enjoying this…

Art – Still Life, Spring Blossom and Easter Chicks

19th March 2021

So many exciting Art projects taking place across the school this week. Year 5 have been truly amazing perfecting their still life skills, showing real focus and enthusiasm. Their study this week was on Cezanne’s work. Years 3 & 4 embraced Spring and took inspiration for their creations from Spring Blossom with some beautiful pieces…

Reading Museum – Victorian Christmas Workshop

14th December 2020

On Monday 7th December, Year 5 participated on a Virtual Workshop run by Reading Museum. They learned all about Victorian Christmas. The children were very impressed to find out that Father Christmas used to dress in green and that it was a tradition to put REAL candles hanging from the Christmas tree! That must’ve been…

ABRSM Exams – Even more Lyndhurst talent!

3rd December 2020

Lyndhurst girls from Years 5 & 6 took their Grade 2 ABRSM Music exams this week and they were all fabulous. We are so proud of them and the dedication to their lessons and practice. We look forward to their music filling the school corridors and the odd Monday morning assembly soon. Congratulations! Sophia –…

Music – Step back in time!

26th November 2020

  Year 5 have impressed Mrs Peacock with all their effort and work they have put into their projects on the decade of 80’s music. They have included lots of details, such as year of release for singles as well as albums, looking at genres covered, and even album artwork.  They should be proud of…

Drama – Mime

19th November 2020

Year 5 are studying Mime this half term. Mime is the art of portraying a character, mood, idea, or narration by gestures and bodily movements. They have studied the work of Marcel Marceau and Charlie Chaplin as well as the more recent work of Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean. The children have been learning the…

French – Pets

23rd October 2020

Year 5 are covering the topic of pets this term; we are using this as a springboard to re-visit and consolidate our understanding of masculine and feminine adjectival agreement. We can express our likes and dislikes orally and in writing, and have started to say what pets we have including colour and size. Later in…

Sports – Rainy day Fitness Fun!

16th October 2020

  Rain didn’t stop year 5 enjoying or enduring an intense fitness club session on Tuesday.  The high intensity 25-minute workout included moves such as Travolta’s, Skaters, jumping Jacks and burpees. The fitness sessions are designed to improve all aspects of fitness including, strength, stamina and agility focusing on different elements each week.    

Virtual Netball with Barfield

5th October 2020

On Wednesday the year 5 and 6 girls took part in a virtual netball challenge against Barfield. In pairs the girls had to do 50 chess passes then score one goal each finishing with ten star jumps. In first place with a super quick time of 59.72 seconds was Freyja and Eesha. A very close second place was Sophie and Josephine on 1.00.90. Seconds.  Overall total for all the girls was 8 minutes and 56 seconds.  Barfield just beat us to…