Category: Year 5

LEAF with Year 5

17th November 2021

Year 5 had a fantastic afternoon of LEAF this week. The children built dens using nothing but tarpaulin and rope, demonstrating their great knot trying skills, they whittled sticks using knives and peelers before finally starting their own campfires using flint and steel. An awesome afternoon!

Football Fixture

15th October 2021

Our Year 5 & 6 boys played away this week at Greenfield school. They all played really well and did Lyndhurst proud with their sporting spirit and effort. Although not a winning day on this occasion they all really enjoyed the match. Well done boys!

Music – The 80’s

15th October 2021

Here are some of the Year 5 children in front of their new Music room display about the 80’s decade. They enjoyed spending time discovering some of the artists and learning about the different genres that made up the very impressive time in music!

Eco Stations at St.Michael’s

12th October 2021

Year 5 & Year 6 were invited by St. Michael’s Church to complete their Eco Stations.  The children explored different stations, where they thought about what they are doing to protect the planet.  The children wrote in sand to say sorry to the earth, which is feeling overwhelmed by the impact humans are having on…

Sport – Netball & Hockey

12th October 2021

On Wednesday 6th October the U11 netball team played Our Lady’s school. The first two quarters showed a strong start with some good centre passes and the whole team moving into space. At half time Lyndhurst were in the lead. In the last two quarters Jasmine and Eesha’s accurate and consistent shooting made the final…

Sport – Football

12th October 2021

Year 6 and  Year 5 took part in the U11 football and netball matches against Our Lady’s School. The girls came away with a strong win, where they dominated the majority of the game with exemplary possession and defensive work. They finished 17-5 by full time. Well done, girls! The boys played a tough 40…

S.T.E.M – Year 5

4th October 2021

In STEM, the Year 5 children have been looking into what is in our food? By exploring packaging of everyday foods we have at home and looking at ingredients, additives and weights etc – they can start to understand what they mean and the nutritional value of foods.

Drama – Year 5

17th September 2021

Year 5 are working on collaboration in drama this half term. Using both scripts and improvisations. This week they worked on a scripted performance titled ‘Cinderella the model’. Which is a different take on a traditional story. They had to work together as a group to rehearse and perform the piece. They learnt that everyone is equally important to the performance whichever…

Rural Life Museum – Year 5

17th September 2021

Year 5 experienced Victorian life at the Rural Life Museum.  They discovered all about the hardships and poor health endured by children during the era. The day was a “hands on” experience full of role play including having a wee in the chamber pot in the middle of the night and being caned for drawing…

French Assembly – Year 5

6th July 2021

Voila! What better way to celebrate all things French than the Year 5 assembly. A true showcase of the wonderful vocabulary, phrases and songs they have learnt this year. Thank you to Madame Hole for putting this together and to our lovely Year 5 for going all out and working hard to make this a…