Category: Year 3

Anglo Saxon – Year 3 Assembly

6th July 2021

Year three gave a performance of their ‘Anglo-Saxon’ assembly in front of their parents this week. They were all brilliant on the stage, they delivered their lines clearly and loudly and performed the songs and dances with energy and enthusiasm. Well done year three, you are all stars!

Art – Bursting with creativity

6th July 2021

The children at Lyndhurst creativity is always impressive.  Year 3  have continued their focus on architecture by designing their own house or building.  Whilst in Year 4 they have painted their clay pots.  Charles Fazzino’s artwork has inspired Year 5 to create beautiful London skyline pieces.

Art this week…

18th June 2021

Lots of exciting projects in Art this week. Year 1 & 2 have begun their kite project, Year 3 have been exploring 3D scapes and architecture. Year 4 have put the finishing touches to their awesome Egyptian Death Masks – outstanding work! Year 6 have had great fun making designs for their very own board…

Art this week…

18th June 2021

Lots of exciting projects in Art this week. Year 1 & 2 have begun their kite project, Year 3 have been exploring 3D scapes and architecture. Year 4 have put the finishing touches to their awesome Egyptian Death Masks – outstanding work! Year 6 have had great fun making designs for their very own board…

Sikhism – Year 3

18th June 2021

Year 3 had two special guests visit their classroom for their RE lesson to talk to us about Sikhism. Year 3 children thoroughly enjoyed having a turban tied, eating parshaad and learning all about a Gurdwara.

Viking Day for Year 3

9th June 2021

Year 3 enjoyed a day full of Viking adventure! There were some fabulous costumes and they really got into the role play and action packed day. The children learnt what daily life was like for Vikings and tried their hand at making pots. They unearthed some Viking treasures and prepared to go to battle!

Outdoor Learning Day

25th May 2021

The much anticipated Outdoor Learning Day was a great success! Marshmallows were toasted, dens were built and some were even watertight! Mr Manser, Mr Day and all the teaching staff did a fantastic job setting up all the areas and activities for the children. Lunch was BBQ style and served outdoors. The weather was kind…

In other news…

25th May 2021

What an exciting week! Year 1 have been using some great words to describe and remember the ‘Big Five’ African animals. They have also been working hard in maths, doubling and halving numbers. Year 2 have been enjoying reading the time and got to work crafting Oscar a new dog bed! Year 3 have had…

In other news…

25th May 2021

What an exciting week! Year 1 have been using some great words to describe and remember the ‘Big Five’ African animals. They have also been working hard in maths, doubling and halving numbers. Year 2 have been enjoying reading the time and got to work crafting Oscar a new dog bed! Year 3 have had…

Art – Wow!

20th May 2021

Art at Lyndhurst has truly had a ‘Wow’ week this week! The work created by the children has been spectacular and with such a wide variety of topics and techniques covered. Year 1 have made some colourful African art including gorgeous sunsets, animals and masks.  Year 3 have designed and created some imaginative Viking boats…