Category: Year 1

French – with Year 1

4th December 2020

We have been learning lots of snack words over the last few weeks, and this week we finally started reading our story of ‘La chenille qui fait des trous’…’The Very Hungry Caterpillar.’ We can join in with the days of the week, fruit words and food vocabulary in this story, and a few other words…

French – with Year 1

4th December 2020

We have been learning lots of snack words over the last few weeks, and this week we finally started reading our story of ‘La chenille qui fait des trous’…’The Very Hungry Caterpillar.’ We can join in with the days of the week, fruit words and food vocabulary in this story, and a few other words…

Drama – Nativity Dress Rehearsals

4th December 2020

Little Lyndhurst and Years 1 & 2 had their dress rehearsals for their nativity plays this week. The children all look wonderful in their costumes, it’s so exciting seeing the productions come together. Everyone is looking forward to the film crew coming in next week to film them. More pictures to be shared soon!


27th November 2020

  Money, money, money Must be funny In the rich man’s world Lyndhurst School focused on money this week using all the great activities in Natwest MoneySense – an inspirational financial education programme.  The children learnt all about finances this week.  Money skills are important life skills. Year 1 and 2 joined forced to look…

Drama – A Christmas Story

13th November 2020

Years 1 & 2 are busy rehearsing for their filmed production of ‘A Christmas Story’. They are working very hard at learning all the songs and projecting their voices when they say their lines. They are very excited about making the film and can’t wait for you all to be able to see it.

Virtual Author Workshop – Marion Deuchars

2nd October 2020

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their Marion Deuchars – Let’s Make Some Great Art workshop on Tuesday. They listened to the story carefully and produced some amazing crafts. Year 1 even decided that they wanted to create some of their own bird animals!   

Drama – Magical Woodland

2nd October 2020

This week in drama Year 1 worked on an ensemble drama piece set in an enchanted forest. The children became giants, fairies and pixies, and all the characters worked together to have a magical woodland party. 

Year 1 & 2 @ The Science Museum, Winchester

5th March 2020

Recently Year 1 and 2 visited Winchester Science Museum. It was a fantastic day and the children loved every minute. The workshop was brilliant and the children thoroughly enjoyed making slime which either bounced or stretched! They learnt that mixing different ingredients can create different types of slime!

Lower School ‘Perform’ Drama Workshops

20th January 2020

Lower school enjoyed their ‘Perform’ drama workshop on Monday. It was based on the topic ‘Around the World’. They made a hot air balloon that flew round the world in eighty days and discovered how to say hello in different languages. They made freeze frames and became camouflaged trees to trick the crocodile. The children…

Carol Service brings term to a close

13th December 2019

Reception to Year Six gathered along with staff, parents and other family members in the wonderful setting of St. Michael’s Church on Friday 13th December for Lyndhurst School’s annual Carol Service. After a heartfelt welcome from Rev. Nicole, the congregation enjoyed music, readings, prayers and many carols with all the children fully involved. The orchestra…