Category: Uncategorised

Year 4 Melodrama

7th June 2023

Year 4 have been exploring melodrama this term. They have looked at the stock characters associated with this historical form of drama, including the hero, the villain, and the damsel in distress. They have been devising their own melodramas which they performed to each other in class.

Liquid Nitrogen Workshop – Reception to Year 6

6th June 2023

Lyndhurst was fortunate enough to be visited by Air Products, who put on an amazing demonstration using liquid nitrogen. Questions such as, can you freeze a banana, does a frozen bouncy ball bounce, and what does frozen lettuce taste like were all answered in a hands-on demonstration. The science behind it was discussed too, as…

Little Lyndhurst – Pirate party

24th May 2023

Pre-Reception in Little Lyndhurst were very excited to join in with some pirate fun and games.  Each child made their own treasure map. First, they used tea bags to stain their paper then once it was dry, the children used colours to draw out their maps.  The children printed gold treasure using bottle top lids…

Year 5 Runway’s End Outdoor Centre

23rd May 2023

Year 5 had great fun on their residential trip to Runway’s End Outdoor Centre. They were lucky enough to do a range of activities, including kayaking, raft building and rock climbing. Fortunately not too many children got wet! The children also competed to be the ace marksman in both archery and air rifle shooting –…

Year 2 Art – African sunsets

23rd May 2023

Year 2 have been studying African art this term. They produced some beautiful African sunset pictures. They looked hard at photographs of African sunsets and then reproduced them using paint, before adding silhouettes.

Art galore…easter egg packaging, Greek pots and Coats of Arms

23rd May 2023

The art cupboard has been adorned with some more amazing artwork produced by our Year 5 and Year 1 students.  Year 5 got to design and create their own Easter egg packaging.  They thought about the current designs of packaging available on the shelves and used this as inspiration for their designs.  Mrs Dodds, our…

Reception enjoying the Beebots

18th May 2023

In Reception’s IT lesson this week, they were so excited to be able to use their own Bee-Bot! They were all able to identify the shape they wanted the Bee-Bot to eat, and program the Bee to get from one side of the carpet to their shape of choice. We cannot wait to take the…

Year 6 Bikeability course

15th May 2023

Year 6 had a great time on their Bikeability course this week. They enjoyed learning new skills, road safety awareness and all important bike maintenance checks.  Let’s hope the summer weather continues so that they are able to get out on their bikes and enjoy!  A special thank you to Catherine and Paula from Surrey…

Coronation singing

10th May 2023

We were all in the Coronation spirit after the whole school joined in with some beautiful singing to celebrate King Charles III Coronation on 6th May.  Years 3 to 6 sang a rousing rendition of the ‘Coronation Song’ and Nursery to Year 2 sang and danced beautifully to the ‘Message for the King’ song.  A big…

Little Lyndhurst – Park trip

3rd May 2023

Nursery joined Pre-Reception on their weekly trip to the local park. Lots of fun was had by all the children and it is a great way to strengthen their gross motor skills and learn about road safety.