The whole school came together joined by our students families and residents of Corrina Lodge Care Home to remember those who have given their lives in service and those who continue to serve.
Little Lyndhurst have been enjoying the topic of sorting. They have been looking at what rule should be used in a sorting activity, whether it should be sorted by size or colour. The children in Little Lyndhurst independently sorted the little bears dependent on their size. The children really enjoyed lining them all up in…
Year 2 have been really enjoying their topic of The Great Fire of London. They used recycling to create brilliant models of the types of buildings that got destroyed in the Great Fire of London at Pudding Lane. Once they had finished building their own Pudding Lane, they had the excitement of burning it all…
The Year 1 children had a wonderful time at Birdworld, where they learned about different birds from around the world and their habitats. We particularly enjoyed watching the penguins being fed, although the smell wasn’t so great! Did you know that there are penguins in Southern Africa, not just the South Pole! The toucan was another…
Little Lyndhurst love their trips to the local playground, where they get to work on their gross motor skills and building of their peer relationships. There was lots of giggles and laughter as the children swung on the swing together. They showed great teamwork pushing the roundabout and they got up to lots of adventures…
In Maths, Year 4 consolidated their Rounding skills and writing tenths and hundredths in both fractions and decimals by playing a couple of exciting games. The lesson flew by – and they were asking Mrs Rudkin for ‘more please’!
Lyndhurst celebrated harvest festival in their assembly. A big thank you to Reverend Pippa and Tori (Children’s and Youth Worker) from St Michael’s Church for coming to lead the assembly. The children reflected on how the harvest festival celebration is a time to be thankful for all the good things in life and to be…
Lyndhurst School is proud to be supporting the Macmillan Cancer Support charity by dedicating a whole day of events to support this wonderful charity. One of those events was at our parent and toddler group, Little Tots, where everyone who came was treated to a morning of coffee, tea and delicious cakes. We would like…
Lyndhurst School was fortunate to host Boogie Pumps for a brilliant Assembly. The whole school got involved in learning a dance routine for the song ‘Sunroof’, which included some very tricky moves for a Monday morning! It was a great way to start the busy week ahead.
Year 3 went on amazing visit to Bignor Roman Villa in West Sussex on Wednesday. The children had the opportunity to see remains of the original Roman villa. They loved learning about all of the different Roman mosaic floors and their significance. Year 3 saw the authentic Roman bath and discussed when a Roman would…