Category: Reception

Little Lyndhurst Perform

6th December 2021

It is so nice to have an audience back for our nativity plays this year. On Thursday 2nd December Litle Lyndhurst performed their production of ‘The Innkeeper’s Breakfast’. The children performed magnificently, they sung the songs with enthusiasm and spoke all their lines clearly and loudly. The show was beautifully narrated by three donkeys and…

Music – Making Instruments

12th October 2021

Reception class had an amazing time building and making their very own musical instruments this week. Thanks to your kind donations of recyclable materials the children across the school will be designing and making instruments – then attempting to play them!

Bocketts Farm – Reception Trip

12th October 2021

Reception thoroughly enjoyed their school trip to Bocketts Farm. There were lots of animals to see and stroke on our tour of the farm, they especially liked stroking the horse! We went on a very bumpy tractor ride around the grounds of the farm to see the animals in the fields. The children could run…

Drama – Let’s Pretend

7th October 2021

Reception have been getting into the Halloween sprit in drama this week, when they explored the book ‘Room on the Broom’. They enjoyed being witches flying on their broomsticks, they then became the dragon and worked in groups to create their own swamp monsters, before going on to mix magic potions in their cauldrons. Finally,…

French – with Reception

6th July 2021

We have been listening to another French fairytale, ‘Boucle d’Or et les Trois Ours’. We are really good now at naming all the key words in our games, and have even started to learn ‘small, middle-sized and big’ chairs and beds…

Reception – Trip to Wellington Country Park

18th June 2021

Reception went to Wellington Country Park on Thursday. They had a great trip. In the morning they went mini beast hunting and pond dipping and found lots of interesting insects. In the afternoon the children explored some of the park. We went to the farm to look at the animals and then explored all the…

Reception – Ugly Bug Ball

7th June 2021

Reception class have been exploring nature, bugs and all things creepy crawly! They have been listening to the Ugly Bug Ball song and were inspired to create their very own bug masks.

Little Lyndhurst Life

25th May 2021

Much fun and excitement in Little Lyndhurst last week! Children brought in Teddy bears to enjoy some cake outside. In Reception, the children were busy matching shapes and creating pictures from shapes. They also explored the Bad Tempered Ladybird story and tried to imagine what she might have to say!

Le Petit Chaperon Rouge!

23rd April 2021

This half-term Reception are preparing to read a well-known story in French: ‘Le Petit Chaperon Rouge!’ We have started to learn some key words, and next week we will be listening to the story to see if we can hear those words.

Fantastic Work

22nd March 2021

Fantastic work from all of the children at Lyndhurst this week. Reception have been hard at work learning all about emergency services. Year 1 have shown off their impressive writing skills and the work they have been doing around telling the time. Year 3 have excelled and focused on statistics, descriptive writing and working in…