Category: Reception

Messy Church!

6th July 2022

Rev. Pippa Ford from St. Michaels Church visited the children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 today for Messy Church. The children had great fun creating together and learning more about the world and how to treat one another. It was wonderful to see them engaged in this and helping each other along the…

Drama with Reception Class

9th June 2022

Reception class are performing fairly stories in drama this term. This week they performed a scene from ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, poor Jack had to sell his cow, he exchanged her for some magic beans, his mother was very cross and throw the beans out of the window, where they grew into a giant beanstalk….


27th May 2022

Lot’s going on in the Music department including practice getting underway for our Music students, who are busy preparing for the upcoming performances and events at Lyndhurst. Reception class had great fun getting hands on with a range of instruments and Year 5’s enjoyed a healthy debate in music when they chose to present to…

Reception Showcase – When I Grow Up…

29th March 2022

Reception parents were treated to an assembly showcase down in Little Lyndhurst last week. The children were able to dress up in a profession outfit of their choice, and tell us what they would like to be when they grow up and why. They sang a song that had learnt to the parents watching and…

Drama – The Gingerbread Man

11th March 2022

Reception class have been exploring imaginary lands in drama lessons this term. We have acted out classic stories such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears and the Three Little Pigs.  This week we acted scenes from The Gingerbread Man, the children enjoyed becoming the characters chasing after the runaway gingerbread man. 

Embracing Outdoor Learning

23rd February 2022

This session of outdoor learning with Reception and Year 1 truly embraced our programme LEAF! The children eagerly hunted for a different variety of leaves in all shapes, colours and sizes. They were then able to examine them up close and make sketches too.

French with Reception

10th February 2022

Reception are learning lots of parts of the body this term; we’ve been having great fun playing games with the language and singing songs (including, of course, ‘Head, shoulders’!) Here we are performing this song and singing a traditional French nursery rhyme ‘Mes Petites Mains’. Tre bien!  

Little Lyndhurst – Chinese New Year

8th February 2022

Little Lyndhurst have been cooking up a whole lot of fun. They have been learning all about Chinese New Year, as part of this and their continued role play – they set up their very own Chinese restaurant. Roles were taken up as waitress, chef, customer and they loved getting into character and cooking up…

It’s good to be in Little Lyndhurst

27th January 2022

Little Lyndhurst has been a hive of fun activity again this week. The children have enjoyed getting out into the wonderful garden area and the milder weather – let’s hope that continues! With plenty of room to roam, role play and explore it’s certainly a great place to be.

Drama – Fairytales

24th January 2022

Reception class are performing fairy stories in drama this term. This week they performed the Elves and the Shoemaker. They loved becoming cheeky little elves and acting out the story making sure the shoemaker showed surprise when he saw the elves making the shoes for him.