Category: Reception

Reception Hedgehogs

3rd October 2023

Reception have been appreciating the changing of the seasons by making hedgehogs using fallen leaves collected from the trees in the school grounds.  They enjoyed looking at all of the beautiful colours and textures of the leaves, and had fun giving their hedgehogs character when they added their faces.  Mrs Dodds, our Art Teacher was…

Reception trip to Windsor Castle

2nd October 2023

Reception had a fantastic day at a sunny Windsor castle for their school trip.  They spent their morning visiting the state rooms and in the afternoon, they had their own coronation!  To top off their trip, they even got to see a real life Beefeater.   The members of the public commented on how smart and…

Harvest festival assembly

29th September 2023

Lyndhurst celebrated harvest festival in their assembly.  A big thank you to Reverend Pippa and Tori (Children’s and Youth Worker) from St Michael’s Church for coming to lead the assembly.  The children reflected on how the harvest festival celebration is a time to be thankful for all the good things in life and to be…

French – ‘Monsieur Pouce’

26th September 2023

Reception have been really enjoying learning a finger rhyme in our French lessons. Here they are performing ‘Monsieur Pouce’ (‘Mr Thumb’), who is sleeping, eating and drinking before he finally comes out to play! They have also been practising saying how they are feeling and counting in French.  

Creation story assembly

22nd September 2023

We would like to say thank you to Reverend Pippa and Tori, from St Michael’s church ,for coming in to lead an assembly on the Creation story.  The children enjoyed learning all about the Christian story of how God made the Earth in 7 days.  The children were very excited to be acting out being…

School Captains and Council Representatives

13th September 2023

Exciting times ahead for the new Form Captains for Reception all the way up to Year 6. They are looking forward to being role models for the other children. School Council representatives have also been chosen, and they are excited to bring their class’s voice to the council and to vote on important matters.   

Welcome back to school

8th September 2023

A big welcome back to all of our students, parents and staff! It’s been so lovely to see all of the smiley faces back at school this week and hear about everyone’s Summer holidays.  We have had an amazing start to the academic year, all the staff have enjoyed the children’s positive attitude and joy for being back amongst…

New starters brunch

8th September 2023

It was lovely to meet our new families before term started at our annual New Starters Brunch.  Our staff had the pleasure of meeting the new families and everyone had a chance to get to know one another a little better.  The children of all ages loved playing games together on the Astroturf.  A special…

Reception Graduation

5th July 2023

Reception had their very own, very special graduation this week to mark their end of their Early Years journey as they move into Year 1.  All of their parents were invited in to watch their showcase and celebrate this occasion with them.  Well done Reception class!     

Reception trip to Wellington Country Park

5th July 2023

Reception had a wonderful time exploring Wellington Country Park and they enjoyed getting to go pond dipping which reinforced their topic they have been studying.  They found lots of interesting minibeasts and even our guide was impressed with what they found. The children then had a brilliant time exploring all of the parks and play…