Category: Reception

Take a Peek at the Week

16th March 2021

So good to see the classrooms back as a ‘hive’ of activity – just the way it should be. Across the school, Reception children have been busy creating beautiful blooms in time for Mother’s Day. Year 2 focused on their Transport topic by making colourful balloons, and in English some impressive Diamante poems. They also…

Reception visit The Vets – Virtually

12th March 2021

This week our lucky reception class were treated to a behind the scenes visit to the Vets! Lyndhurst parent Mrs Marsh very kindly gave an amazing and insightful tour of a Vets practice and even showed us some real pet x-rays! The children were so impressed and glued to the screen as the virtual visit…

Coming soon……. The Nativities!

10th December 2020

Coming soon to screen near you – The highly anticipated and critically acclaimed Lyndhurst Nativities. Costumes are sparkling, head dresses and crowns have been adjusted and Baby Jesus suitably swaddled. The wait is very nearly over….. although our premiere of these wonderful performances this year can’t include a fizz reception or red carpet it still…

Drama – Nativity Dress Rehearsals

4th December 2020

Little Lyndhurst and Years 1 & 2 had their dress rehearsals for their nativity plays this week. The children all look wonderful in their costumes, it’s so exciting seeing the productions come together. Everyone is looking forward to the film crew coming in next week to film them. More pictures to be shared soon!

Sports – Team Building (with a side of spookiness)

23rd October 2020

Team Building This week’s PE lesson focused on team building and effective communication skills.  Tasks including leading a blindfolded partner around an obstacle course, partner stands and number groupings.   Year 2 had to work together to travel with the ball only touching a certain body part, some tasks were harder than others but overall, everyone…

Drama – Halloween Theme

23rd October 2020

Reception have been getting into the Halloween spirit in drama this week, when they explored the book ‘The Funny Bones’. They chose their favourite part of this story and created a freeze frame which they then brought to life. They went on to act out being the skeletons in the story and giving each other…

Virtual Author Workshop – Marion Deuchars

2nd October 2020

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their Marion Deuchars – Let’s Make Some Great Art workshop on Tuesday. They listened to the story carefully and produced some amazing crafts. Year 1 even decided that they wanted to create some of their own bird animals!   

Reception visit Camberley Fire Station

12th March 2020

Reception counted themselves lucky that there were no fires in Camberley on Tuesday morning.  This meant that the fire fighters of Red Watch were free to show them all around the Fire Station.  The children were very well behaved as they learnt about fire safety, how quickly the fire fighters have to get changed and…

Carol Service brings term to a close

13th December 2019

Reception to Year Six gathered along with staff, parents and other family members in the wonderful setting of St. Michael’s Church on Friday 13th December for Lyndhurst School’s annual Carol Service. After a heartfelt welcome from Rev. Nicole, the congregation enjoyed music, readings, prayers and many carols with all the children fully involved. The orchestra…

The ABC Nativity – Little Lyndhurst perform

29th November 2019

“When you learn about Christmas, you start with the Nativity”, the ABC Nativity. The Early Years children should be so proud of themselves for what they have achieved this week. Two fantastic performances of their Nativity play happened in one day! We had the usual Nativity characters although the donkeys seemed to get waylaid on…