A big thank you to Reverend Pippa Ford and Tori who welcomed the Year 5 and Year 6 to St Michael’s Church in Camberley to learn about Holy Communion and Eulogies. These are a significant part of Christianity and their religious ceremonies. The children were reflective with their response to sharing their grieving experiences and…
A big thank you to Reverend Pippa Ford and Tori from St Michael’s Church who visited the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 for Messy Church. The children had lots of fun learning all about Jonah and the Whale. Reverend Pippa showed the children clips about how Jonah got swallowed by the whale. …
A big thank you to one of our parents and Grandparent, Dādā jī who came in to discuss Sikhism with our Year 2 children. The children were excited to be able to build on their current knowledge of the religion and ask some wonderful questions. They started by exploring the history of the religion and…
Reception to Year 2 were very lucky to have been invited to St Michael’s Church to take part in a workshop about the upcoming Harvest Festival. When the children arrived, they were introduced to the topic through a game where they had to guess the fruit and vegetables. Reverend Pippa Ford was impressed with their…
Thank you to St. Michaels Church and Rev. Pippa Ford for hosting us for the Environment Prayer Stations. Year 3 and Year 4 children were invited to St Michael’s Church to examine the ways in which we can care for our environment. They identified areas of the world affected by climate change, the animals nearing…
Thank you to St. Michaels Church and Rev. Pippa Ford for hosting us this week. The children got to dress up and walk through a mock wedding and baptism. It was a hands on way for them to learn all about these ceremonies and the meaning behind them.
Years 1 to 3 visited St. Michael’s church on Monday morning for a Harvest service. The children enjoyed the walk down to the church where St. Michael’s Children & Youth officer, Amy explained what Harvest means and led the children in singing some hymns. She also told the children that lots of people in the…
Year 3 had two special guests visit their classroom for their RE lesson to talk to us about Sikhism. Year 3 children thoroughly enjoyed having a turban tied, eating parshaad and learning all about a Gurdwara.
Celebrations, traditions and giving thanks are so important to Lyndhurst. This is why our Christingle service this year has been adapted so we were still all able to enjoy this important part of the festive season. Thanks to our wonderful Year 6 children, Mrs Rudkin, Mrs Lawrence and Miss Joyce, this assembly was filmed and…
This week Year 2 went on a church visit to St Michael’s Church. In Religious Education we have been learning all about different church designs and what one might find in a church. Upon arrival we were greeted Rev Nicole who took us around the church, and shared a few very interesting things with us. We were even lucky…