Category: Pre-Prep

Little Lyndhurst – LEAF

16th January 2023

Little Lyndhurst love their LEAF session.  During their recent session, our LEAF teacher gave the children tasks to do, such as find some sticks then make a square, find some rocks and stone to make a circle.  They loved exploring and finding all of these things.  The children also all went on a walk around…

Little Lyndhurst – LEAF

16th January 2023

Little Lyndhurst love their LEAF session.  During their recent session, our LEAF teacher gave the children tasks to do, such as find some sticks then make a square, find some rocks and stone to make a circle.  They loved exploring and finding all of these things.  The children also all went on a walk around…

Pre-Reception French

13th January 2023

In the spring term, Pre-Reception are listening to two fairy-tales in French!  This half-term we are covering ‘Cendrillon’ (‘Cinderella’), and we have been playing games with the words Cendrillon, le Prince, les deux soeurs, la Bonne Fée and la pantoufle. We will also be making our own pictures to use with the story.  

Year 2’s Great Fire of London

10th January 2023

Year 2 have been focusing what happened after the Great Fire of London.  They created their our own version of London in 1666.  They coloured in their houses and build them out of paper ready to set fire to it in our Headmaster’s fireplace. The children loved watching the houses being set on fire and…

Christmas Dinner Day

15th December 2022

Everyone at Lyndhurst School loves Christmas dinner day.  Our wonderful Christmas dinner was prepared by Mrs Pearson, Lyndhurst’s chef and her team.  We were all treated to a roast dinner with all of the trimmings.  It was a lovely way to celebrate the Christmas season.  We took a moment to acknowledge the privilege of being…

Year 2 LEAF boat building

14th December 2022

This term, the Year 2 children enjoyed collecting sticks, tying them together to create boats as part of their outdoor learning LEAF lesson.  They then had a competition to see which boat would float, and which would sink. Thank goodness for the rain that day!

Christmas Windows

14th December 2022

There is Christmas in the air at Lyndhurst and the staff and teachers are all getting excited…but something unusual is stirring, and no it isn’t a mouse, windows are being decorated across the school.  Reception children have turned into presents and have two cheeky elves doing a show.  Year one has hung their stockings on…

House Christmas Tree Decorating Competition

7th December 2022

Each year the Houses succeed in exceeding all expectation with their creativity and community spirit during the Christmas Tree Competition.  Walking around the school during the competition a true reflection of Lyndhurst nurturing and caring spirit could be felt.  The House Trees look wonderful – with lovely themes and messages in there.  The judges are…

Rags2RichesSchool collection

7th December 2022

We would like to say a big thank you to all of our parents and children for their donations to the Rags2RichesSchool clothing recycling scheme.  We collected 60 bags of clothing and accessorises which weighed in at 224.9 kg and therefore raised £89.96 for the school. The Eco-Council enjoyed learning all about clothing recycling and…

Anti-Bullying Week – Reach Out 

29th November 2022

Lyndhurst School are proud of their anti-bullying posters which are displayed inside the school. All year groups have discussed bullying and the children have learnt about being unique and accepting people’s differences. Year 5 and Year 6 discovered during their talk with Michael Gove that bullying even takes place in Parliament. The children learnt the…