Category: Local Community

Harvest Festival Assembly

11th October 2022

Like around the world, Lyndhurst celebrated harvest festival in their assembly.  A big thank you to Reverend Pippa and Tori (Children’s and Youth Worker) from St Michael’s Church for coming to lead the assembly.  The children reflected on how the harvest festival celebration is a time to be thankful for all the good things in…

Reception to Year 2 Harvest Festival Workshop

6th October 2022

Reception to Year 2 were very lucky to have been invited to St Michael’s Church to take part in a workshop about the upcoming Harvest Festival. When the children arrived, they were introduced to the topic through a game where they had to guess the fruit and vegetables.  Reverend Pippa Ford was impressed with their…

Community spirit – supporting the Gurdwara for Surrey Campaign

4th October 2022

We are proud of one of our Year 6’s and a former student, who played the grand piano in the foyer of Camberley theatre for the launch of the campaign.  The event was attended by 250 people and they played with confidence and musical skill.  Fantastic community spirit!

Environment Prayer Stations

29th September 2022

Thank you to St. Michaels Church and Rev. Pippa Ford for hosting us for the Environment Prayer Stations. Year 3 and Year 4 children were invited to St Michael’s Church to examine the ways in which we can care for our environment. They identified areas of the world affected by climate change, the animals nearing…

FoL Summer Fayre

8th July 2022

Many thanks to our wonderful Friends of Lyndhurst for organising this year’s much needed and ‘normal’ Summer Fayre! The weather was beautiful and it was lovely to see so many families and children having fun and spending time together. There were plenty of stalls to keep every busy and entertained, a teacher very deserving of…

Messy Church!

6th July 2022

Rev. Pippa Ford from St. Michaels Church visited the children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 today for Messy Church. The children had great fun creating together and learning more about the world and how to treat one another. It was wonderful to see them engaged in this and helping each other along the…

Year 6 Fundraisers!

24th June 2022

The heat didn’t deter Year 6 with their Charity work. As part of their MoneySense Day they created a Coin Trail and held a Bring and Buy Sale that included a raffle for some amazing prizes. They confidently handled a frenzy of customers and ensured that every child was happy with their purchases. In total the…

Dogs Trust Workshops

15th June 2022

We were very fortunate to enjoy workshops run by the Dogs Trust this week. Jo came into school to talk about the work that the Dogs Trust do and what it takes to care for a dog. The children also learnt the 5 ‘happy dog rules’ – ask your child if they can remember them…

Lyndhurst Platinum Jubilee Celebrations!

10th June 2022

A truly fantastic day enjoyed by all today at Lyndhurst. It was a joy to see the school decorated, children and staff arriving in red, white and blue. We even had the special lady herself ready at the gate to greet everyone in! Today was a real celebration of the Platinum Jubilee, a mark of…

Greenfield Children’s Festival

10th June 2022

At the end of an amazing day at Greenfield School, we wanted to share with you the hard work and effort that the Lyndhurst children have put into making their presentation and debating child inequality across the world. Please take a look at their presentation below – They presented this to six other schools along…