Congratulations to Isaac in year 3 who passed his introductory LAMDA exam with distinction.
LAMDA students in the lower school had some amazing results in their stage one introductory exams. Arrianna, Ned, Krit, Buck, Austin, Trinity, Cadence, Alex, Jasmine, Giselle and Liv all passed with distinction and Eesa passed with merit. They all received certificates in the final assembly at the end of term. We are very proud of…
Thirteen students went to Reddham House School on 3rd May to take their LAMDA exams. They had to wait very patiently and quietly for their turn to take the exam, they all performed their drama pieces to the examiner and answered his questions confidently. It was the first formal exam for many of the children…
All the students studying for their LAMDA exams gave a demonstration to their parents on Tuesday morning. Sophie L and Sofia B took their grade 1 acting exam last Sunday, together with Phoebe S, they showed off their drama pieces to the attentive audience. We wish Ben C the best of luck for his grade…