Reception class are performing fairy tale stories in drama this term. They have been performing the classic tale of the Ugly Duckling. They loved becoming the eggs waiting to hatch and the ducklings who teased the ugly duckling. As you can see Reception class had some really good ugly duckling faces as well.
The topic for year one drama this half term is places. This week the children imagined they were on a magic carpet and flew to lots of different places, exploring each one before flying off on their carpets through the sky….what an adventure!
Year 1 and 2 performed their heavenly Christmas production ‘The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All’ on Thursday in front of their friends and families. It was a brilliant production, following the story of the late angel who was trying to catch up with the heavenly choir before the birth of the baby Jesus. She…
Early years performed their nativity production on Thursday to an audience of friends and family. They gave such a polished performance it was hard to believe how young they are. There was brilliant acting, singing and dancing and some impressive solo singing too. The audience loved the show, and everyone left feeling very Christmassy.
Year 5 are studying Mime this half term. Mime is the art of portraying a character, mood, idea, or narration by gestures and bodily movements. They have studied the work of Marcel Marceau and Charlie Chaplin as well as the more recent work of Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean. The children have been learning the…
Year 3 have been learning how to develop characters this half term in drama. They have used props, gestures and emotions to give their characters’ depth. This week they did a role on the wall exercise where they had to identify personality traits for their characters. They then improvised the characters meeting each other and…
Years 4 and 6 have already started working together on their musical production of ‘Wonderland’ for the spring term. They are delighted to be working on this performance project together. The parts have been cast, and all the children are reading through the script and learning the songs. We are very excited to be able…
Congratulations to the students who took their LAMDA acting exams at Lyndhurst school in July. We had excellent results with all the children who took their exams passing with a distinction. Congratulations LAMDA actors!
It has been a successful year for the Lyndhurst Drama department. In the Autumn term the early years performed their production of ‘The Inn Keeper’s Breakfast’, they performed with such immense confidence it was hard to remember how young they were. The following week years 1 and 2 came together for their production of ‘A…
The results from the recent LAMDA exams were amazing, 100% passed. 11 children passing with a merit and 9 children gaining a distinction. Fantastic results well done to all the LAMDA actors who took their exams this year.