Author: Louise Nye

More ISA Success!

6th March 2019

Two Teams – Twice the Performance! This Monday saw two Lyndhurst football teams travel to Claire’s Court Junior School to take part in the ISA Football Tournament – a Year 6 team and a combined Year 4 and 5 team. Despite a brief (and horrendous) spell of hail, the boys started confidently, and comfortably made…

Year 5 – Rainforest Explorers

4th March 2019

Year 5 became jungle explorers for the day; not in the Amazon Jungle but in deepest darkest Berkshire! Yes, that’s right, they sweated and toiled and suffered unspeakable hardships in the Living Rainforest to seek out new species, such as the 5-banded armadillo, Goeldi’s monkeys and the green iguana (which is actually pink!). Along the…

Year 5 Cezanne Art Work

28th February 2019

Year 5 have been studying the work of Paul Cezanne in art this term. They have painted their own still life compositions using watercolours. Great observational drawing year 5, it looks good enough to eat!

Didn’t they do well?!

28th February 2019

Our catering company, Connect Catering have been ranked as the best company to work for in 2019 by The Sunday Times. They were ranked first in management and wellbeing. We are proud to work with them and to have such a great team providing our catering at Lyndhurst.

Lights, Camera, Action!

28th February 2019

Year 3 to Year 6 had the opportunity on Tuesday to be stars in a promotional film for Lyndhurst School.  They took part in a filmmaking workshop led by MN Academy.  They learnt about all the different roles in the production of a film.  The Director had a clapper board and a special ‘Director’s hat’,…

Year 3 Assembly

28th February 2019

They came, they saw, they acted! Year three performed their Roman assembly play ‘The Roman Invasion’ to their parents and the whole school recently. There was amazing acting from all the children, portraying Romans and Celts in a fierce battle for the land called Britannia. The children also performed songs and played their recorders. Bradley…

Love is in the Air

15th February 2019

Love was all around at the Valentine’s Discos, hosted by the Friends of Lyndhurst in the Deacon Hall yesterday.  The children certainly strutted their stuff and showcased their wonderful dance moves!  Thank you to ‘Cupcake and Crumble’ who kindly baked homemade cakes for our children…. LOVEly!

Friends of Lyndhurst Quiz ‘n’ Chips Evening

13th February 2019

Last Thursday, 9 teams tested their knowledge and battled to be crowned Lyndhurst Quiz Champions of 2019!  Special thanks go to our awesome Quizmaster Mr Manser and Mrs Price for hosting such a fabulous night. Well done to the Kindergarten parents’ team who took home the winners trophy!  For those who ‘bought up the rear’…

Senior School Success – UPDATE!

12th February 2019

Further to the great news earlier in the term, we are delighted to announce that…. LUCKLEY HOUSE – Issac successfully completed his entrance exam and we are proud to announce that he has been awarded an Academic Scholarship. DAUNTSEYS – Jemima successfully passed her entrance exam and was further recognised with a Headmaster’s award for…

ISA Cross Country Success!

12th February 2019

A great day for all the Lyndhurst pupils who took part in the ISA cross-country! Every participant did themselves proud and there were some great results all round! Lyndhurst prides itself on being a small family oriented school, however when it comes to large events such as today it can be difficult to place in…