Author: Louise Nye

Have a great trip Year 6

4th June 2019

We hope that Year 6 enjoy their week in the Elan Valley, Wales. The weather forecast could be better but we are sure that it will add to the adventure. Have fun, stay safe, see you on Friday!

Reception go to Nower Wood

24th May 2019

Our Reception Class had a wonderful time at Nower Wood recently.  We began our day with some minibeast hunting in the woods, looking under logs and leaves to find spiders, slugs, millipedes, centipedes and many woodlice.  We noticed how many legs the minibeasts had in order to sort them into groups.  We were allowed to…

Year 6 – Best Trip Ever? Hear! Hear!

22nd May 2019

Year 6 were excited to be heading up to Westminster to visit the Houses of Parliament. They were excited for the entire week previously, the entire journey up to London and the entire time we were in Parliament. We gathered at Camberley station to catch our train up to London, where we proceeded to belatedly…

Year 6 Bikeability – Having a Wheelie Good Time

17th May 2019

Year 6 have been enjoying the sunshine this week on their bicycles, which really perked them up out of feeling tyred. The ability to get outside and feel the sun on their backs, wind in their hair and uncomfortable bike seats got them out of the vicious cycle of school work. Zachary took to it like…

Happy Teeth, Happy Smiles!

15th May 2019

Dr. Charlotte Rademeyer, from Camberley Dental Practice visited Lyndhurst to talk to all year groups about dental hygiene.  We all need to remember ‘Happy Teeth, Happy Smiles’! The children also received Colgate toothbrush packs and stickers. Year 4 & Year 3 impressed Dr. Rademeyer with their knowledge on how to care for their teeth during…

Year 5 Bikeability

10th May 2019

Despite the heavy rainfall and freezing conditions, Year 5 braved the elements and successfully completed their Bikeability Level 1 Course. They were taught how to check their bikes for faults, the basics of safe riding and indicating turning and safe braking. They also did ‘cycle-dancing’ –  riding around in figures of eight and controlling their…

Pedals for Year 1 & 2

10th May 2019

Year 1 and 2 had their pedal training on Wednesday this week. They brought in either a bike or a scooter to ride. In the training they learnt about road safety and how to be safe when riding their scooter or bike. They also received some useful tips about riding their bikes and scooters. The…


8th May 2019

Congratulations to Phoebe S, Sophie L, Ben C and Sofia B who all passed their LAMDA grade 1 solo acting exams. They took their exams in March at LAMDA in London and all achieved a good pass mark, Sofia passing with a merit. They were all awarded their certificates by Mr Rudkin in assembly on…

Lou Treleaven Competition Winner!

7th May 2019

CONGRATULATIONS to Alex for writing an amazing Rainforest story and being awarded first place by the great author, Lou Treleaven, with her newest book “Teachers on Pluto”! She is looking forward to reading it!

Pupils take LAMDA Exams

5th May 2019

Thirteen  students went to Reddham House School on 3rd May to take their LAMDA exams. They had to wait very patiently and quietly for their turn to take the exam, they all performed their drama pieces to the examiner and answered his questions confidently. It was the first formal exam for many of the children…