Author: Louise Nye

Little Lyndhurst – Welcome Back

13th September 2023

We are delighted to welcome back all our children from the Nursery into Pre-Reception and all of our wonderful new starters.  The next few weeks they will be settling into the Pre-Reception life.  All of the staff are looking forward to getting to know them as individuals and the children are enjoying getting to know…

The Lyndhurst Orchestra

13th September 2023

With the start of the new term, we are delighted to hear music playing around the school again.  Year 5 and Year 6 have been eagerly awaiting news as to who will be in the Lyndhurst Orchestra and their wait is now over.  Mrs Peacock, our Music Teacher is delighted that so many children are…

School Captains and Council Representatives

13th September 2023

Exciting times ahead for the new Form Captains for Reception all the way up to Year 6. They are looking forward to being role models for the other children. School Council representatives have also been chosen, and they are excited to bring their class’s voice to the council and to vote on important matters.   

Welcome back to school

8th September 2023

A big welcome back to all of our students, parents and staff! It’s been so lovely to see all of the smiley faces back at school this week and hear about everyone’s Summer holidays.  We have had an amazing start to the academic year, all the staff have enjoyed the children’s positive attitude and joy for being back amongst…

Year 6 leavers’ first week

8th September 2023

We hope that our Year 6 Leavers have enjoyed their first week in Secondary School and we hope that they settle in quickly.   We wish you all the best in your new schools .  We love to hear how all of our past students are getting on, so please do keep in touch.  You will…

New starters brunch

8th September 2023

It was lovely to meet our new families before term started at our annual New Starters Brunch.  Our staff had the pleasure of meeting the new families and everyone had a chance to get to know one another a little better.  The children of all ages loved playing games together on the Astroturf.  A special…

Let’s Do Coffee – Lyndhurst School’s Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

8th September 2023

We are delighted to be able to welcome Lyndhurst School parents and families into the school to support  a wonderful cause; Macmillan Cancer Support on Friday 29th September at 3 pm.  There will be a tea, coffee and a delicious selection of cakes to enjoy.  It will be a great opportunity to come and chat…

What’s new?

4th September 2023

The Summer has been a hive of activity at Lyndhurst School and we are looking forward to having all of the children back to show them all of the changes that have happened.  We would like to thank our Maintenance and Facilities team for all of their hard work over the holidays. We are sure…

Hawley Meadows Pond Dipping Adventure

7th July 2023

Year 2 had a wonderful trip to Hawley Meadows.  They enjoyed exploring the environment and getting into the water pond dipping.  They found many different insects and water creatures and loved looking at all of the different rocks.  Great fun was had by all.    

Year 6 leavers plate

7th July 2023

  Each year as part of the Year 6 leavers festival, all of the Year 6 do a thumb print on a plate which adorns the walls of Lyndhurst school.  All of the Year 6 enjoyed picking their paint colour and making their mark in history.   We would like to say a special thank you…