Author: Louise Nye

Year 4 Sleepover

1st July 2022

Year 4 children enjoyed a fun sleepover last Friday night at school. They all had a great time with pizza, games, movie night and some pampering! Maybe some sleep was had and lots and lots of good fun.

Kerry Gibbs – Author Assembly

1st July 2022

We were excited to welcome back one of our favourite authors Kerry Gibb to school. Kerry was here to talk about her new book ‘The Elephant Squad’. This new exciting read is in partnership with the Honeypot charity – working with young carers all over the UK. Thank you to Kerry for another wonderful visit…

School Council on the pulse

1st July 2022

School council meetings took place today and every year group had their say on daily life at Lyndhurst. They love this time together as a council and their responsibility as representatives of their year group. Stay tuned to hear about any decisions made…

Read all about it in the Lyndhurst News!

1st July 2022

Lyndhurst World 2022 is out now! The paper was the talk of the school this morning, with Year 6 spotting their articles and the rest of the school checking to see if they made an appearance!  Well done to the Year 6 Media Club, who worked extremely hard on the paper. These budding journalists have…

Summer Concert

27th June 2022

We were absolutely thrilled to bring the school together for the Summer Concert last week. The weather was amazing and we were able to enjoy this wonderful event along with parents. The children performed spectacularly well and showed confidence, progress and joy. It was lovely to celebrate their hard work and practice.    

LAMDA – Lyndhurst Success!

27th June 2022

The results from the recent LAMDA exams were amazing, 100% passed. 11 children passing with a merit and 9 children gaining a distinction. Fantastic results well done to all the LAMDA actors who took their exams this year.

Music Assemblies

27th June 2022

Lyndhurst have celebrated all their musicians with some music assemblies and of course the summer concert this term. Take a look at some of the performers who did so well with their chosen pieces. Well done to them all, and thank you to our music teachers Mrs Peacock, Mr Dawson and Mr Hughes.    

Barfield Challenge

27th June 2022

Year 3 enjoyed an amazing jam packed action day at Barfield 3 Peaks last week. Their day included archery, quad biking,  climbing, team building and much more! All the children embraced this fun filled day and gave everything a go.  

Invaders Assembly

27th June 2022

Year 3 impressed with their energetic and brilliant invaders assembly. They all really looked the part in their costumes and performed well, remembering their lines, parts and viking facts!

Decades Day

27th June 2022

Take a step back in time with us… The whole school enjoyed a wonderful insight into different decades recently. Each year group along with staff dressed up in clothes from a selected decade and the children moved around the school to find out about life in the 80’s, 70’s 60’s etc. They found out about…