Author: Louise Nye

Year 3 Mini Percussion Orchestra

23rd May 2023

Year 3 have enjoyed using their new found understanding of the Orchestra and its families, by forming their own mini–Percussion Orchestra’s!  Sure to be sitting in sections but with a good eye line to our very own ‘conductor’, the children set about playing as instructed by them.  This included a range of Dynamics, and impressive expression…

Reception Flower Art

23rd May 2023

Reception have been learning all about plants and minibeasts in their topic this term.  In their art lesson, they embraced their topic and produced these beautiful piece of flower art.  Mrs Dodds, our art teacher was very impressed with how carefully they did their brushstrokes.  Well done Reception!

Year 2 Art – African sunsets

23rd May 2023

Year 2 have been studying African art this term. They produced some beautiful African sunset pictures. They looked hard at photographs of African sunsets and then reproduced them using paint, before adding silhouettes.

Year 4 Art – Egyptian Death Masks

23rd May 2023

Year 4 have been enjoying learning all about Ancient Egyptians as part of their topic.  In their art lessons, the Year 4 children have finished off these striking Egyptian death masks.  It’s wonderful to see these pieces take shape and how each child creates something unique.

Year 3 Art – Viking Ships

23rd May 2023

Year 3 have been enjoying learning all about the Vikings as part of their topic this term.  In their art lessons they have produced these colourful, striking Viking long boats using mixed media techniques.  Well done Year 3!  

Art galore…easter egg packaging, Greek pots and Coats of Arms

23rd May 2023

The art cupboard has been adorned with some more amazing artwork produced by our Year 5 and Year 1 students.  Year 5 got to design and create their own Easter egg packaging.  They thought about the current designs of packaging available on the shelves and used this as inspiration for their designs.  Mrs Dodds, our…

Coding excitement – Sphero minis

19th May 2023

The Year 4 children were very excited to be using our brand-new Sphero minis in their IT lesson! After practicing inside, they took their robots out into the sunshine to program them to take a specific journey. When using their blocks, they had to debug to avoid obstacles and some even made their robot make some…

Reception enjoying the Beebots

18th May 2023

In Reception’s IT lesson this week, they were so excited to be able to use their own Bee-Bot! They were all able to identify the shape they wanted the Bee-Bot to eat, and program the Bee to get from one side of the carpet to their shape of choice. We cannot wait to take the…

LAMDA presentations for Year 4 to 6

18th May 2023

The LAMDA actors performed their poems and monologues for their parents in the Deacon Hall. They all gave confident performances, and it was lovely to see how the students’ progress through the grades. The children enjoyed seeing each other acting as well. This was good performance practice before they take their exams next week. The…

Year 6 Measuring Up

18th May 2023

Are Year 6 just having a rest in the sunshine? No, this was one of our Maths lessons this week.   We were testing the idea that you were as tall as the span of your arms.  Each child had their span measured, then we compared it with their height.  In nearly every case, these measurements were…