Admissions Process

Stage 1

Contact the school:

  1. Complete the online enquiry form.
  2. Email
  3. Phone Mrs Nye, Head of Admissions on 01276 22895

We will provide you with an enquiry information pack and guide you through every step of the process

Visit us! Please contact us to arrange a visit to the school and to meet the Headmaster or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

We will contact you two days prior to your visit to confirm the date and time.

Stage 2 

Your child will be offered a trial day or stay and play session(s) according to their age.

For future Pre-Reception admissions the school may issue a Provisional Offer. This will be followed by ‘stay and play’ sessions and the completion of due diligence checks during the term prior to the child’s entry.

You will be requested to complete a Pupil’s Information Form and to send this to the school with any required supporting documents (such as the most recent school report/learning journal, an educational psychologist report) at least 48 hours before the trial day/session.

The school will contact your child’s current school/setting and complete our due diligence checks.

Stage 3

Your child will attend a trial day(s) or stay and play session(s):

  1. Entry Pre-Reception the school will invite the child to two ‘stay and play’ trial sessions, at least one of these sessions will be without their parents.
  2. Entry Reception – Year 6 the school will invite the child to a trial day in their current year group, without their parents.

Stage 4

Trial day Process:

  1. On the trial day/session the parent/s will bring in any medication, if required such as inhalers, EpiPens.
  2. The staff will provide feedback to the Head of Admissions.
  3. Head of Admissions will meet and discuss with the Senior Leadership Team and assess the individual case.
  4. Parents will be contacted by the Head of Admissions to inform if a place is offered or not.
  5. A start date is agreed if a place is to be offered.

Stage 5

If a place is offered, you will be sent an offer comprising of the following:

  1. Parental Contract and Acceptance Form (inc. fee payer’s details)
  2. Lyndhurst Values
  3. Request to pay the £360 Admission Fee (non-refundable)

Stage 6

Once a place has been confirmed and accepted, all relevant joining information will be sent.

  1. Visit and/or contact your child’s present school/setting.

In the term before your child is due to start:

  1. You, the parents, will be sent the Admissions Form for completion.
  2. Your child will be invited to attend transition session(s), usually in the Summer Term for ‘Move-up Morning’.
  3. The Head of Admissions will review your Admissions Form and answer any further questions you may have.
  4. If your child is joining at the beginning of an academic year your child and yourself will be invited to attend a ‘New Child’s’ Brunch in September.