Our ‘Celebrating Differences’ theme for this half term was launched in Upper School Assembly by Callum from Sight for Surrey. He led Upper School Assembly on Wednesday 6th November, he has been blind from birth but this hasn’t stopped him from doing anything. He shared a story with the children about how he learnt to ride his bike and he ended up in Basingstoke canal, followed by his dad.
Sight for Surrey charity teaches children how to get from place to place and has a recreation programme for them. This includes rock climbing which helps the children to learn to follow instructions and how to orientate themselves. The charity also supports adults who lose their sight when they are older which is very scary. They are supported both practically and emotionally.
Sight for Surrey provides support people who are deaf or hard of hearing especially with interpreters and equipment. Special loud flashing doorbells and vibrating pillows as a smoke detector are supplied to people.
Callum shared with the children an insight into his life – when he was growing up other children were mean to him because he was different. He learnt to get used to this and show them that his differences didn’t matter or stop him doing anything. He became the British indoor rowing champion. He played ball games including football and cricket using an adapted ball.
The one thing Callum really would like to be able to do which he can’t is drive.
The children posed lots of interesting questions:
How do you learn sign language even if you can’t hear?
Why do you have a cane instead of a guide dog?
How do you learn if you are blind and deaf?
Was it hard when you were a child?
How do you travel?
What do you find the hardest thing about being blind?
A big thank you to Callum and Sight for Surrey for this inspiring assembly and for sharing with Lyndhurst the amazing work the charity does.