Category: Year 6

Lyndhurst is Keeping Active

22nd March 2021

A lesson we have all learnt throughout this time is that getting out and keeping active is key for our all round well being. We are more appreciative of being able to continue this together at school now more than ever. Year groups have been getting out in the fresh Spring air and enjoying this…

Lyndhurst School Life

19th March 2021

Year 6 have been continuing to enjoy their daily walks with Mr & Mrs Rudkin and Oscar. As they head toward their final term at Lyndhurst it’s the close bond as a class they will remember, the lessons they have been taught and the skills they have perfected here that they will carry with them…

Time for Drama

12th March 2021

In drama this week, year 6 used the poem ‘In Twenty Years’ Time’ by Dona Ashworth as a stimulus for a devised drama piece. Each group produced some very interesting work on the theme of ‘lockdown’ inspired by this poem. In twenty years time… People will not ask the children of 2020 if they caught…

Proud to support Scar Free Foundation

16th December 2020

Lyndhurst are proud to support the Scar Free Foundation and even prouder of one of their Ambassadors, and our Year 6 girl Delilah. Delilah and her Mum Sophie appeared on BBC television recently to discuss and support the pioneering research programme that the foundation are launching to help identify the scarring gene. Truly remarkable work….

ABRSM Exams – Even more Lyndhurst talent!

3rd December 2020

Lyndhurst girls from Years 5 & 6 took their Grade 2 ABRSM Music exams this week and they were all fabulous. We are so proud of them and the dedication to their lessons and practice. We look forward to their music filling the school corridors and the odd Monday morning assembly soon. Congratulations! Sophia –…

Christingle with Year 6

1st December 2020

Celebrations, traditions and giving thanks are so important to Lyndhurst. This is why our Christingle service this year has been adapted so we were still all able to enjoy this important part of the festive season. Thanks to our wonderful Year 6 children, Mrs Rudkin, Mrs Lawrence and Miss Joyce, this assembly was filmed and…

‘The Hive’ – with Farnborough Hill

30th November 2020

Year Six girls had their first ‘The Hive’ virtual session with Farnborough Hill, an eight-week introductory experience for prospective girls.  The focus of these sessions is on building a community.  The first part was a big meeting with the programme being launched.  Following this the girls entered ‘Break Out Rooms’ with the sixth formers.   Year…

Music – Shakespeare Rocks!

13th November 2020

We love a musical – who doesn’t?! This week it was wonderful to see the Year 4 & 6 children embracing Shakespeare and taking part in their first read through of ‘Shakespeare Rocks!’ Stay tuned for more news on this exciting production. A fantastic start to our term of Music and Drama.

French – Adjectives

13th November 2020

In French this term, Year 6 are learning how to describe themselves and other people, both in terms of physical appearance and personality. We’ve been re-visiting how lots of French adjectives have a different form for masculine and feminine words, and we’re trying hard to use these correctly!

Virtual Netball with Barfield

5th October 2020

On Wednesday the year 5 and 6 girls took part in a virtual netball challenge against Barfield. In pairs the girls had to do 50 chess passes then score one goal each finishing with ten star jumps. In first place with a super quick time of 59.72 seconds was Freyja and Eesha. A very close second place was Sophie and Josephine on 1.00.90. Seconds.  Overall total for all the girls was 8 minutes and 56 seconds.  Barfield just beat us to…