Category: Year 6

Art – Wow!

20th May 2021

Art at Lyndhurst has truly had a ‘Wow’ week this week! The work created by the children has been spectacular and with such a wide variety of topics and techniques covered. Year 1 have made some colourful African art including gorgeous sunsets, animals and masks.  Year 3 have designed and created some imaginative Viking boats…

Cricket Skills – with Camberley Cricket Club

20th May 2021

This week years 5 & 6 were lucky enough to have a cricket skills session from by Camberley Cricket Club’s Head Coach Paul Abraham. Paul delivered a full session which included aspects of Fielding, Bowling and Batting finished off with an Olympic style game that gave everyone the opportunity to bat.  Our pupils were shown…

Cricket with Barfield

20th May 2021

Cricket match report courtesy of Year 6 boys… Year 5 and 6 had a busy week, as they had a cricket match against their rivals, Barfield. The final run scores were Lyndhurst: 234, and Barfield: 212. Very predictable, as we have some very talented cricketers in our squad. Evan said ” It was a very…


7th May 2021

31 children took their LAMDA acting exams on Wednesday this week. They all performed their poems or scenes in front of the examiner and answered her questions. The children all enjoyed the experience even if some of them were a little nervous before they went in. I am sure they all did wonderfully and should…

All about the Art this week…

30th April 2021

Lots of exciting art and design & technology projects have been started across the school for this half term. In  Year 6 the children are learning illusion techniques and applying this to their drawings.  Linked with their topics Year 5 are designing and making Greek pots whilst Year 4 are making Ancient Egyptian necklaces and…

Welcome to Summer Term!

23rd April 2021

Hooray! The start of Summer term and the sun is shining. Lots of smiley happy faces this first week back at school. Exciting things ahead this term so keep any eye out for updates on the news and in your weekly form teacher emails. Here’s to a fresh new term full of learning, fun and…

Exciting times ahead in the Drama Department!

23rd April 2021

It is going to be an exciting term for the drama department this term. There is less than two weeks until the LAMDA students take their acting exams. Mrs Draper is very impressed with all her young actors, who are now line perfect and ready to give their best performance for the examiner on the…

Walk for Water

26th March 2021

Supporting Evan on his Walk for Water, pictured here with his walking buddies Sophie and Rupert. Our lovely Year 6 pupil Evan is raising money for WaterAid and their initiative ‘Walk for Water’. This scheme raises awareness and funds to provide safe water, closer to the millions of women and girls who walk miles for…

Spring Recordings

24th March 2021

We were blown away by musical Lyndhurst talent with the recent Spring Recordings. These recordings took place instead of our usual Spring Concert this term. The children adapted to the filming of their performances like true professionals and their pieces were beautiful. Special thanks go to all of the children first and foremost for the…

Creativity Overflowing

22nd March 2021

Happy faces and creativity – we love it! Across the school children have been displaying their creative talents with a generous side of fun. We have been continuing the Easter theme with egg decorating and more chicks. Year 3 became superheroes for the day and created these wonderful masks, which gave them the powers they…