Category: Year 6

NEW! Lyndhurst World

6th July 2021

Read all about it – You heard it here first. Yes, it’s true Lyndhurst have launched their very own newspaper. Put together and edited by Year 6 and Miss Joyce, we get the inside scoop on the teachers, exclusives on Lyndhurst going’s on and even a puzzle section! See the link below for a PDF…

Year 6 Poetry

6th July 2021

Year 6 have completed some amazing poems to remember their time at Lyndhurst. Filled with memories and things they love about being ‘Lyndhursters’. We will miss them all so much, remember them always and wish them all the very best. Enjoy looking through their wonderful words.

Year 6 Sleepover

6th July 2021

In the last few weeks of their time at Lyndhurst, Year 6 had the opportunity to spend some valuable free-time together during their last Sleepover. The evening began with some team games and sports. They then enjoyed a meal of pizza then some cricket and pampering. Even Mr Rudkin had a couple of nails painted!…

Shakespeare Rocks – The Performance

6th July 2021

Year 4 and 6 performed their production of ‘Shakespeare Rocks’ to a reduced audience in the Deacon Hall on Wednesday and Thursday last week. They all performed with energy and enthusiasm. The audience enjoyed the socially distanced performance which included a lot of comedy and some great catchy songs. The performance was filmed by Farnborough…

Art this week…

18th June 2021

Lots of exciting projects in Art this week. Year 1 & 2 have begun their kite project, Year 3 have been exploring 3D scapes and architecture. Year 4 have put the finishing touches to their awesome Egyptian Death Masks – outstanding work! Year 6 have had great fun making designs for their very own board…

Art this week…

18th June 2021

Lots of exciting projects in Art this week. Year 1 & 2 have begun their kite project, Year 3 have been exploring 3D scapes and architecture. Year 4 have put the finishing touches to their awesome Egyptian Death Masks – outstanding work! Year 6 have had great fun making designs for their very own board…

First Aid – Year 6

18th June 2021

Last Thursday saw the start of Year 6 First Aid Course. It is going very well so far. The children learnt how to put an injured person in the recovery position.  We hope they keep practising.  Year 6 also learnt about dialling 112 in an emergency when out and about. Year 6 practised the drill…

Swimming – Survival Skills

28th May 2021

This week some of our year 6 swimmers had the opportunity to practice some swimming survival skills.  The had great fun swimming in their pyjamas and learning how to jump in safely and attract attention.  This I all part of the Lyndhurst swimming levels where pupils are taught the essential life skill of swimming.  All…

Spanish – Year 6

28th May 2021

Spanish, Year 6 have been writing about rooms and furniture, consolidating what we have learned about adjectival agreement and position, using colours and size. There is a lot of grammar to remember, but we’ve been doing really well!

Barfield Three Peaks Challenge

25th May 2021

Year 5 & 6 really enjoyed their trip to Three Peaks at Barfield. A great day of team building and pushing personal limits! The children’s behaviour was exemplary and the staff at Three Peaks really enjoyed working with them. The Quad Bikes were a sure fire hit and Archery proved a challenge to the last group…