Category: Year 4

Year 4 visit Kingsclere Care Home

14th June 2019

Year 4 children recently spent a lovely afternoon with the residents of Kingsclere Care Home. They sang two songs from ‘Dr Dolittle’ play and read out some of their best work to the very friendly residents and carers. One of the ladies there was 102 years old and she still looked great! The children have…

ISA Athletics Success

7th June 2019

Lyndhurst school had a fantastic day at the ISA Athletics! We took 5 pupils and both Rupert and Alice were awarded medals! Alice placed 3rd in the 150m and Rupert came second in the long jump! Seb won one of his heats and Alice another! All the pupils did themselves proud and supported each other…

More Art, this time it’s from Year 4!

7th June 2019

Year 4 are exploring the art of ancient Egypt. They produced these wonderful paintings of Egyptian death masks. First staining the paper with tea or coffee, then using paints, and marker pens to make these exquisite pieces of art They also painted the eye of Horus the Egyptians believed this symbol was very lucky.

A Fantastic Day for Year 4 @ RHS Wisley

7th June 2019

When we arrived, our teachers took us to the play area which unfortunately was closed so we went to a maze made out of stacks of hay. There was a sheep and a rabbit made out of twigs so we took some photos with them. After that, we were running around the rock garden, looking…

Easter Hat Parade 2019

6th April 2019

We all enjoyed the Easter Bonnet Parade; there were bunnies, chicks  and eggs galore along with the more unusual beehive, unicorn and the very topical ‘BR-EGGXIT’.  Congratulations to the children (and parents) on their amazing creativity and thank you to all those parents who provided cakes for the FOL sale. The children were delighted to…

Upper School – A Chance to Change the World

5th April 2019

Upper School Children have worked extremely hard on their Chance to Change the World stories for @ExploreCambo – we hope we will have a Lyndhurst School winner!

Spring Concert 2019

5th April 2019

Parents were treated to a talent-filled evening at our Spring Concert on Monday. Children from Years 2 and up showcased what they’ve learnt in their lessons this year. We had piano, saxophone, flute, guitar, recorder, oboe and singing solos as well as a trio of flute and oboe, and recorder groups. The Upper School performance…

Spring Concert 2019

5th April 2019

Parents were treated to a talent-filled evening at our Spring Concert on Monday. Children from Years 2 and up showcased what they’ve learnt in their lessons this year. We had piano, saxophone, flute, guitar, recorder, oboe and singing solos as well as a trio of flute and oboe, and recorder groups. The Upper School performance…

Dr Dolittle’s Monkey Mayhem!

1st April 2019

From the desk of Mrs Draper…. Year 4 and 6 recently had outstanding success with their production of Dr Dolittle, they gave three performances in the same week which took a lot of stamina. Well done to Oliver R in the lead role and to Jeyaan H who gave an exceptional comedy performance as King…

ISA National Cross-Country

1st April 2019

Rupert and Seb did a fabulous job at the ISA National Cross-country finals at Rugby school this weekend. The race was very close and the boys finished 9 seconds apart. Seb came 21st and Rupert came 45th out of 70 runners. Rupert showed excellent resilience to come back after falling over near the start and Seb made…