Category: Year 4

Springtime Sports Fun

19th March 2021

The children at Lyndhurst have been making the most of the Spring weather. Years 3 & 4 have been brushing up on their tag rugby skills this week. Getting out into the fresh spring air, learning new skills, improving on others and giving everything a good go in true Lyndhurst and sporting spirit. Well done!

Take a Peek at the Week

16th March 2021

So good to see the classrooms back as a ‘hive’ of activity – just the way it should be. Across the school, Reception children have been busy creating beautiful blooms in time for Mother’s Day. Year 2 focused on their Transport topic by making colourful balloons, and in English some impressive Diamante poems. They also…


27th November 2020

  Money, money, money Must be funny In the rich man’s world Lyndhurst School focused on money this week using all the great activities in Natwest MoneySense – an inspirational financial education programme.  The children learnt all about finances this week.  Money skills are important life skills. Year 1 and 2 joined forced to look…

Art – Tudor Pouches complete!

16th November 2020

Year Four are proud of their Tudor Pouches.  The material was tough to work with but is definitely hardwearing.  The children are extremely smart pouches.  Did you know these leather pouches were worn by Tudor men and women, as clothes did not have pockets at this time? There were many styles of bags and pouches,…

Music – Shakespeare Rocks!

13th November 2020

We love a musical – who doesn’t?! This week it was wonderful to see the Year 4 & 6 children embracing Shakespeare and taking part in their first read through of ‘Shakespeare Rocks!’ Stay tuned for more news on this exciting production. A fantastic start to our term of Music and Drama.

French – Food and Drink

16th October 2020

In Year 4 French this term, we are learning lots of food and drink words, and we have just started putting together a roleplay to use in shops. We can politely ask for an item, ask how much it is, start and finish the conversation properly, and most important of all, have an understanding of what the shopkeeper is likely to say back to…

Art – Teamwork, Tudors and Movement!

5th October 2020

Year 3 have shown super teamwork in art this week with their block work to recreate Van Gogh’s artwork.  They had to keep checking that their part of the painting matched up with their team’s.  This reflects Vincent Van Gogh’s quote ‘Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.’  Year 4 have started…

Virtual Author Workshop – Leila Rasheed

2nd October 2020

Years 3 & 4  were lucky enough to have a workshop this week with author Leila Rasheed as part of the Henley  Literary Festival. Leila read from her book, “Empires End: A Roman Story,” which centres on a young North African girl who sets out on a danger-filled journey to Britain in 207 AD. Leila also answered some questions that had…

Thinking Outside the Box

19th March 2020

The Upper School were lucky enough to have a visit from a company dedicated to mobile escape rooms – wooden cubes with more padlocks than a gym locker room. Using carefully laid out Maths clues, the children had to solve problems and puzzles to try and find the combination to the locks, all within an…

Carol Service brings term to a close

13th December 2019

Reception to Year Six gathered along with staff, parents and other family members in the wonderful setting of St. Michael’s Church on Friday 13th December for Lyndhurst School’s annual Carol Service. After a heartfelt welcome from Rev. Nicole, the congregation enjoyed music, readings, prayers and many carols with all the children fully involved. The orchestra…