Category: Year 4

French – Adjectives and Family

14th May 2021

Year 4 have been learning lots of adjectives for physical appearance; we’ve noticed that lots of French adjectives change when they are used for a girl or a woman. We are now building on last term’s topic of families, by introducing and describing our relatives – not always in a complimentary way! My apologies for…

Virtual Parliament Workshop

11th May 2021

Year 4 attended an online workshop on the UK parliament. Miss Joyce was blown away by how much the children already knew about how the government works. They learned about how laws are made and even came up with some of their own laws.  It was an informative and invaluable workshop.

Greenfield English Competition

10th May 2021

This week a group of year 4 children took part in the annual Greenfield English Competition, hosted by Greenfield School in Woking. This year the event was held online, with the children going up against 12 other schools over eight rounds of tricky questions – including a round on Cockney Rhyming Slang – culminating in…

All about the Art this week…

30th April 2021

Lots of exciting art and design & technology projects have been started across the school for this half term. In  Year 6 the children are learning illusion techniques and applying this to their drawings.  Linked with their topics Year 5 are designing and making Greek pots whilst Year 4 are making Ancient Egyptian necklaces and…

Welcome to Summer Term!

23rd April 2021

Hooray! The start of Summer term and the sun is shining. Lots of smiley happy faces this first week back at school. Exciting things ahead this term so keep any eye out for updates on the news and in your weekly form teacher emails. Here’s to a fresh new term full of learning, fun and…

Exciting times ahead in the Drama Department!

23rd April 2021

It is going to be an exciting term for the drama department this term. There is less than two weeks until the LAMDA students take their acting exams. Mrs Draper is very impressed with all her young actors, who are now line perfect and ready to give their best performance for the examiner on the…

Spring Recordings

24th March 2021

We were blown away by musical Lyndhurst talent with the recent Spring Recordings. These recordings took place instead of our usual Spring Concert this term. The children adapted to the filming of their performances like true professionals and their pieces were beautiful. Special thanks go to all of the children first and foremost for the…

Plenty of Melodrama

22nd March 2021

In drama this term year four have been studying melodrama. They have been looking at the stock characters involved in this form of theatre. Becoming the villain, the hero and the damsel in distress. They have had a lot of fun and produced some very dramatic scenes.

Fantastic Work

22nd March 2021

Fantastic work from all of the children at Lyndhurst this week. Reception have been hard at work learning all about emergency services. Year 1 have shown off their impressive writing skills and the work they have been doing around telling the time. Year 3 have excelled and focused on statistics, descriptive writing and working in…

Art – Still Life, Spring Blossom and Easter Chicks

19th March 2021

So many exciting Art projects taking place across the school this week. Year 5 have been truly amazing perfecting their still life skills, showing real focus and enthusiasm. Their study this week was on Cezanne’s work. Years 3 & 4 embraced Spring and took inspiration for their creations from Spring Blossom with some beautiful pieces…