Category: Year 2

Drama – The Gruffalo

28th May 2021

In drama Year two have been looking at incorporating sound into their performance of the story of ‘The Gruffalo’, working as an ensemble to perform the story in an imaginative way, using their voices to add atmosphere to the presentation. They produced some wonderful work and loved becoming all the different characters in the story.

Outdoor Learning Day

25th May 2021

The much anticipated Outdoor Learning Day was a great success! Marshmallows were toasted, dens were built and some were even watertight! Mr Manser, Mr Day and all the teaching staff did a fantastic job setting up all the areas and activities for the children. Lunch was BBQ style and served outdoors. The weather was kind…

In other news…

25th May 2021

What an exciting week! Year 1 have been using some great words to describe and remember the ‘Big Five’ African animals. They have also been working hard in maths, doubling and halving numbers. Year 2 have been enjoying reading the time and got to work crafting Oscar a new dog bed! Year 3 have had…

In other news…

25th May 2021

What an exciting week! Year 1 have been using some great words to describe and remember the ‘Big Five’ African animals. They have also been working hard in maths, doubling and halving numbers. Year 2 have been enjoying reading the time and got to work crafting Oscar a new dog bed! Year 3 have had…

Art – Wow!

20th May 2021

Art at Lyndhurst has truly had a ‘Wow’ week this week! The work created by the children has been spectacular and with such a wide variety of topics and techniques covered. Year 1 have made some colourful African art including gorgeous sunsets, animals and masks.  Year 3 have designed and created some imaginative Viking boats…

Green Fingers at Lyndhurst

4th May 2021

Children across the school have been learning all about plants and what they need to grow and thrive. Year 3 have planted sunflowers and we eagerly await their progress. Year 1 have been discussing plants as part of their conversations around ‘living things’. They were busy this week getting stuck in with planting their potatoes….

All about the Art this week…

30th April 2021

Lots of exciting art and design & technology projects have been started across the school for this half term. In  Year 6 the children are learning illusion techniques and applying this to their drawings.  Linked with their topics Year 5 are designing and making Greek pots whilst Year 4 are making Ancient Egyptian necklaces and…

Welcome to Summer Term!

23rd April 2021

Hooray! The start of Summer term and the sun is shining. Lots of smiley happy faces this first week back at school. Exciting things ahead this term so keep any eye out for updates on the news and in your weekly form teacher emails. Here’s to a fresh new term full of learning, fun and…

Spring Recordings

24th March 2021

We were blown away by musical Lyndhurst talent with the recent Spring Recordings. These recordings took place instead of our usual Spring Concert this term. The children adapted to the filming of their performances like true professionals and their pieces were beautiful. Special thanks go to all of the children first and foremost for the…

Lyndhurst is Keeping Active

22nd March 2021

A lesson we have all learnt throughout this time is that getting out and keeping active is key for our all round well being. We are more appreciative of being able to continue this together at school now more than ever. Year groups have been getting out in the fresh Spring air and enjoying this…