Category: School Blog

Results of the House Art Competition are Announced

16th March 2020

There were some amazing entries in the house art competition this year. The theme was ‘A Colourful World’ which inspired a range of vibrant pictures from children in all the years and houses. Mr Rudkin had a difficult time judging all the excellent art work but after much deliberation the winners in each house are…

Reception visit Camberley Fire Station

12th March 2020

Reception counted themselves lucky that there were no fires in Camberley on Tuesday morning.  This meant that the fire fighters of Red Watch were free to show them all around the Fire Station.  The children were very well behaved as they learnt about fire safety, how quickly the fire fighters have to get changed and…

Little Lyndhurst’s Adventure to Wonderwood

10th March 2020

Today the Kindergarten and Pre-Reception children went on their visit to the Rural Life Centre in Farnham to have our Forest School experience – Wonderwood. It was our very first trip on a coach this year and we were very excited. When we got to the rural life centre we met Ellie who took us…

Year 1 & 2 @ The Science Museum, Winchester

5th March 2020

Recently Year 1 and 2 visited Winchester Science Museum. It was a fantastic day and the children loved every minute. The workshop was brilliant and the children thoroughly enjoyed making slime which either bounced or stretched! They learnt that mixing different ingredients can create different types of slime!

Year 5 & 6 Visit Farnborough Hill for Beauty & The Beast

4th March 2020

Sometimes our happiness is captured, somehow a time and place stand still Years Five and Six had a pleasure to watch the Farnborough Hill production of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and they were absolutely astonished with West End-like skills of the girls. When we entered the school hall, we were amazed by stunning backdrops and…

A Dive into the Past for Year 5

3rd March 2020

Year 5 were lucky enough to venture to Eton College for a Humanities trip. As well as perusing the artefacts that Eton has on show (including mummified heads and hands) they also took  part in a number of activities. They learnt about Greek beliefs of the afterlife by using drama to act out a scene…

Shakespeare Week and Dress Up @ Lyndhurst

27th February 2020

Isn’t it wonderful how the whole school comes together to celebrate the work of one of the biggest British writer? In our Shakespeare’s Week, we introduced the children to some of the greatest stories that have ever been told. The children were exposed not only to the plays but also history, culture, drama and the…

All the World’s a Stage…..

27th February 2020

As part of our Shakespeare Week,  Lyndhurst School children took part in a very exciting Shakespeare Workshop lead by Francesca from West End In Schools Company. Reception to Year 6 worked class-by-class, each focusing on a different section of the famous Shakespearean play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream which had been adapted for their age. Each class attended…

Success for Lyndhurst’s budding photographers!

14th February 2020

After a fantastic response to the recent Rotary Club – Young Photographer Competition we are very pleased to share one of our pupils has been awarded second place in the Junior category. His stunning prize winning entry along with other winners will be on display at High Cross Church Camberley from 10th Feb – 14Th…

Year 6 DT Project

14th February 2020

Year 6 have been busy making mobile phone cases in their design and technology lessons this term. They used their textile skills to design and produce a felt phone case to keep their mobile phones safe when they go out. Great work Year 6!