Category: School Blog

French – Transport

25th September 2020

  In French this week, Year 2 have been learning about transport, and (optimistically!) saying how we are going to Paris…can you guess the method of transport from this photo?

Oscar says….

25th September 2020

Oscar says….. Taking part is fun! Oscar had great fun and felt very important helping Mr Rudkin with both the striking and fielding and fitness after school clubs this week. The children played a variety of games focusing on ball skills and hand eye coordination. Oscar made sure everyone had fun and was on hand…

Drama – Script work & Improvisation

25th September 2020

Year 5 are working on collaboration in drama this half term. Using scripts and improvisations in small groups. This week they worked on stichomythic dialogue, a style of acting first used in ancient Greek theatre which flourished between 550 BC and 220 BC. Even though this form of dialogue is so old they have worked…

Scrapbooking Club

18th September 2020

It is great to see some new, excited faces at Scrapbooking club this term. The children had great fun and showed a real creative eye when designing and completing their scrapbook covers this week. We look forward to seeing the ideas they have to fill the rest of the pages!

Drama – Read, rehearse, perform, repeat!

18th September 2020

Year 6 have been studying the acting techniques developed by Constantine Stanislavski. Using his ‘magic if’ to bring realism into drama set in everyday situations. The actor must ask himself (or herself) ‘what would I do in this situation?’ thus giving a natural reaction to the drama based on a personal response. They are working…

Oscar says…….

17th September 2020

  ….. It’s good to be back! Oscar is loving having all the children back at school – along with the extra attention and cuddles that come with it. For anyone yet to meet Oscar – he is our beloved Lyndhurst pooch and an important member of the Lyndhurst family, owned by Mr and Mrs…

Art – Christmas cards prepared

17th September 2020

  It is never too early for Christmas preparations.   Lyndhurst have started creating their Christmas cards ready for the printers.  A variety of techniques across the school have been used for the different designs from using handprints to contrasting winter backgrounds and use of silhouette. Have you started thinking about Christmas it is only 104…

Lockdown reflection in Art

17th September 2020

  Mrs Dodds launched Art lessons this week with an opportunity for the children to reflect on their feelings during the lockdown and distant learning period.  The children expressed their emotions through their pictures.  The main thought was that the children missed their friends.  We are all delighted to be back together, with all our friends.   

Drama Duologues

17th September 2020

  Year 4 are working on duologues this half term. Working with different partners each week on a short script for two actors. They have enjoyed performing ‘Mrs Smith goes to the Doctors’ and ‘The Burglar’ over the past two weeks. 

French Introductions

17th September 2020

Reception: French  In our very exciting first week of French, we have started learning how to give our name and count to 10. We have been singing a song about greetings, and we’ve met two characters who will be helping us in our French adventure: Minou and Trottine!