Category: Nursery

Easter bonnet parade

31st March 2023

There were some fabulous Easter Bonnets on display in the Hall for our end of term Easter Bonnet parade.  The children rose to the occasion and strutted their stuff down the hall to showcase their amazing Easter creations.  The children loved creating and modelling them. Not only were we all treated to the Easter bonnet…

Animal Encounters

30th March 2023

We would like to thank AnnaFrench, from ZooLab Rainforest Explorers for a wonderful visit.  Anna led exciting workshops about the rainforest and animals which live there. The children found out so many interesting facts.   Did you know that half of the animals that live on Earth inhabit rainforests? Also 2/3 of world plants grow in…

Little Lyndhurst – The Very Hungry Caterpillar

28th March 2023

Nursery and Pre-Reception have been enjoying the topic of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  They worked together as a class to sequence the story using the pictures.  They had a lot of fun trying to find the correct picture and retell the story.  Some of Pre-Reception children enjoyed printing with tubes to make their own caterpillars. …

Shakespeare Day

27th March 2023

On Thursday 23rd March, Lyndhurst School was sucked into a time portal and ended up in Tudor England. Thanks to the great company As Creatives, everyone took part in Shakespeare themed workshops run by Jackson Kavanagh (who has over 30 years of experience directing Shakespeare’s plays!) and each year group prepared to act out scenes…

Little Lyndhurst – Measurements

21st March 2023

In maths, Nursery and Pre-Reception in Little Lyndhurst have been working on tall and short.   The children enjoyed working in groups and individually at ordering objects from tall to short.  The children then went on a mission to find objects around Little Lyndhurst’s building that were taller or shorter than their mop poles.  They had…

Little Lyndhurst – Nursery

21st March 2023

Nursery in Little Lyndhurst have been enjoying looking at books independently and with their friends, telling the story and predicting what’s going to happen.  They have been using the magnetic letters and the large whiteboard to showcase their their phonics sounds they have been learning.

Little Lyndhurst – Minibeast

21st March 2023

Nursery and Pre-Reception in Little Lyndhurst have been enjoying learning all about Minibeasts in their topic.  The children have been exploring in the small world area with magnifying glasses, looking at each insect.  The children sat in a circle and had to choose an insect to describe, they did extremely well at telling every0ne what…

Red Nose Day

21st March 2023

For Red Nose Day the children were all allowed to wear red – it was lovely to see all the bright clothes around the school. Each child had told their jokes in class then two class representatives presented their joke in the whole school ‘Funny Power’ Assembly.  Mrs Dodd and Miss Symes had the hard…

Little Lyndhurst – fine motor skills fun

13th March 2023

Nursery and Pre-Reception in Little Lyndhurst always enjoy playing with water.  Recently, they loved filling up the bottles using the pipettes and jugs.  They used their fine motor skills to squeeze the end of the pipettes to suck the water up and empty it into the bottles.   Nursery have also been using their pincer grip…

Little Lyndhurst – Life cycle of a plant

13th March 2023

In Little Lyndhurst, their focus has been on the life cycle of a plant and the children have enjoyed carrying out lots of activities on this topic.  They had to draw the amount of petals around the flower that matches the number in the middle.  Some children painted a flower using the paint dabbers, whilst…