Category: Kindergarten

Little Lyndhurst – Positional language

12th May 2023

In Pre-Reception in Little Lyndhurst, the children have been learning about positional language in maths.   They worked together as a class to work on – on/ under, in/ on and in front and behind. The children then got to put their bear in the location given to them.  They enjoyed putting their bears in the…

Little Lyndhurst – PE skills

12th May 2023

Little Lyndhurst love practising their ball skills.  During our outdoor independent learning time, some of the children went on to the tennis court to play football. They showed great skills learnt from their P.E. lessons when kicking and throwing the balls.

Coronation Tea Party

10th May 2023

The whole school came together to enjoy a lunchtime Coronation street party to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.  The children enjoyed a delicious lunch including coronation chicken sandwiches.  We would like to say a big thank you to all of our wonderful catering staff for putting on such an amazing spread of delicious…

Coronation singing

10th May 2023

We were all in the Coronation spirit after the whole school joined in with some beautiful singing to celebrate King Charles III Coronation on 6th May.  Years 3 to 6 sang a rousing rendition of the ‘Coronation Song’ and Nursery to Year 2 sang and danced beautifully to the ‘Message for the King’ song.  A big…

Little Lyndhurst – Park trip

3rd May 2023

Nursery joined Pre-Reception on their weekly trip to the local park. Lots of fun was had by all the children and it is a great way to strengthen their gross motor skills and learn about road safety.        

Little Lyndhurst – Welcome to Megan

3rd May 2023

We are delighted to announce that Megan will be joining the Little Lyndhurst team as an Early Years Practitioner, working with the Nursery children alongside Lucy Roshier.  We know the children will give Megan a warm welcome.  

Lyndhurst’s green fingers supporting the Co-op

3rd May 2023

A big thank you to all of the children and parents who contributed towards to the Co-op’s Spring Challenge to support Yateley Industries Community Pantry Garden Project.  The seedlings that were kindly donated will all be planted in the community garden.  

Little Lyndhurst – Nursery Rhymes

3rd May 2023

Nursery have been enjoying their new topic of nursery rhymes. The children have been singing the rhymes and taken part in activities based on them including Incy Wincy’s waterspout with coloured rice. The children noticed that the rice sounded like rain as they poured it. Nursery also enjoyed catching the ducks in their nets, this…

Little Lyndhurst – ICT

26th April 2023

Pre-Reception enjoy building on their knowledge of using iPad.  They used the QR readers to scan the QR codes dotted around their classroom to see what was behind them.  They loved scanning them and seeing the animal pictures pop up.    d

Little Lyndhurst – Magnetic fun

26th April 2023

Nursery and Pre-Reception in Little Lyndhurst had lots of fun exploring the egg tray using magnets to figure out which eggs had magnets inside them.