Category: Kindergarten

Little Lyndhurst – Colour hunting

25th September 2023

Little Lyndhurst have been learning all about colours.  During their maths lessons, the children enjoyed going on colour hunts and looking at the different shades of purple, green and blue around the class.

Little Lyndhurst – Welcome Back

13th September 2023

We are delighted to welcome back all our children from the Nursery into Pre-Reception and all of our wonderful new starters.  The next few weeks they will be settling into the Pre-Reception life.  All of the staff are looking forward to getting to know them as individuals and the children are enjoying getting to know…

Welcome back to school

8th September 2023

A big welcome back to all of our students, parents and staff! It’s been so lovely to see all of the smiley faces back at school this week and hear about everyone’s Summer holidays.  We have had an amazing start to the academic year, all the staff have enjoyed the children’s positive attitude and joy for being back amongst…

What an amazing year for Drama!

6th July 2023

It has been a fantastic year in the drama department. The Autumn term saw nativity plays being performed. The Early years performed ‘A Little Nativity’ and years 1 & 2 gave two performances of ‘The Angel who nearly missed it all’. In the spring term years 4 & 6 performed their production of ‘Wonderland’, which…

Money sense day

5th July 2023

All of Lyndhurst School enjoyed taking part the Money Sense day. There was a whole day of money-based activities for the children to get involved in. Raising their awareness of all things money, value and how this fits into all aspects of our day to day life. Year 6 hosted their bring and buy sale…

Little Lyndhurst Sports Day

5th July 2023

Congratulations to all of the children who took part in the sports day for Little Lyndhurst.   All of the children showed great effort and sportsmanship.  Nursery and Pre-Reception all enjoyed taking in part in races such as balancing hoops on their heads  (there was no cheating at all!), the sprint run, the traditional sack race…

Little Lyndhurst – What comes next

27th June 2023

In Pre-Reception maths, they have been looking into what comes next.  The children got to wear a bunny head band and chose a lettuce with a number on.  They then lots of fun jumping to that number on the mat and then counting on one more.  Other activities for this topic were a missing number…

Little Lyndhurst – Down on the farm

26th June 2023

In Little Lyndhurst, Pre-Reception have been looking at the farm.  They talked about what they can remember seeing at Chobham Adventure Farm. The children used their great cutting skills to cut out parts of a tractor and stick them down, they also coloured in the story sequence of Wake-up time on Bumbles Farm.

Little Lyndhurst – Chobham adventure farm

23rd June 2023

Nursery and Pre-Reception were so excited about their trip to Chobham adventure farm.  They got to see a variety of farm animals and stroke 8-week-old goats, chickens, a ferret, a guinea pig and a rabbit.  They had an eventful time on the sliding doughnuts, each child had a turn, and some children overcame their fear…

Rags2Riches4Schools bag collection

23rd June 2023

We would like to thank you all of the students and parents who donated clothing and shoes to Lyndhurst School for the Rags2Riches4schools collection.  We are delighted that all the bags collected raised £76.70 which will go towards the school’s chosen charity for this year, Cancer Research UK.