Lyndhurst School had amazing results from the ISA Drama Competition 2023, winning the award for the Best Musical. Our wonderful leading lady won the award for the Best Individual Performance for her portrayal of Alice. This is the second year running that Lyndhurst has won the Best Musical award. Congratulations to all the cast and…
Year 6 have been doing spontaneous improvisation in drama this term. Improvisation is one of the core techniques used by actors. It stretches the imagination, sparks spontaneity and can lead to unforgettable performances. No two performances are ever the same as the actors make up the drama on the spot as they go along. Year…
Year 1 are working on performance poems this term in drama. Each week they are learning a poem and performing it as a small group. The children are enjoying working together to decide how they will present their poem, sometimes they are reciting in unison, sometimes dividing the lines between them and sometimes they just…
On Thursday 23rd March, Lyndhurst School was sucked into a time portal and ended up in Tudor England. Thanks to the great company As Creatives, everyone took part in Shakespeare themed workshops run by Jackson Kavanagh (who has over 30 years of experience directing Shakespeare’s plays!) and each year group prepared to act out scenes…
Year 4 & 6 performed an abridged version of their production of ‘Wonderland’ the musical at the ISA drama festival held in the Whitty Theatre at Luckley House School on Tuesday 14th March. The children performed beautifully and got some lovely comments from the adjudicator. She said the part of Alice was performed with wonderful…
Year 4 and 6 performed their amazing musical production of ‘Wonderland’ on Tuesday and Thursday. The children sang, danced and acted with enthusiasm. The audience were transported with Alice to the strange and curious world of Wonderland, where they encountered racing animals, argumentative cooks, the Dutchess and her smiling Cheshire cat, the Mad Hatter and…
The drama topic for this half term for Year 1 is animals. Each week they are looking at different animals and their characteristics. They loved looking at frogs. The children enjoyed jumping off their speckled log in to the pool and playing the lily pad game.
Rehearsals are progressing well for the year 4 & 6 production of ‘Wonderland the Musical’. The children are working very hard, they have learnt their lines and all the songs. We wanted to share the some photos from the rehearsals so you can see what they have been up to. We can’t wait to the…
In drama this term, Year 3 have been using scripts. This week they performed ‘Three Goats’. The class was put into small groups and each group had a director who directed their cast, they rehearsed and performed to the rest of the class. It was interesting to see the different outcomes from each performance even…
Rehearsals continue to go very well for the Year 4 and 6 musical production ‘Wonderland’. The children are all doing really well with their lines and are now moving to be script-free. The children will be having additional singing lessons to really get the songs into their heads. Costume letters should be being sent home…