Author: Louise Nye

Year 5 visit Luckley House School

15th March 2019

Written by Alex & Ruby-Rose Year 5 went to an exciting Luckley house activity. There was two hours of fun and exhilarating trampoline skills and techniques. We learnt a lot of safe moves and the names of the types of jumps we performed. We couldn’t wait until we got our invigorating bodies on the bouncy…

Reception @ Camberley Fire Station

15th March 2019

Reception’s visit to Camberley Fire Station was very exciting.  Not only did we explore the fire station and find out all about what is inside a fire engine but the fire fighters went on two call outs whilst we were there.  So we saw them rushing to put on their clothes and we stood back…

Year 2 visit St Michael’s Church

15th March 2019

This week Year 2 went on a church visit to St Michael’s Church. In Religious Education we have been learning all about different church designs and what one might find in a church. Upon arrival we were greeted Rev Nicole who took us around the church, and shared a few very interesting things with us. We were even lucky…

Peer Learning in Upper School

15th March 2019

This week Year 4 had a pleasure of being taught by Year 6 children. Year 6 had worked together to prepare a differentiated task, a challenge activity and even Homework! They taught Year 4 children all about Past Perfect tense and showed them how to use it in real life context. The English lesson was a huge…

LAMDA Demonstration

14th March 2019

All the students studying for their LAMDA exams gave a demonstration to their parents on Tuesday morning. Sophie L and Sofia B took their grade 1 acting exam last Sunday, together with Phoebe S, they showed off their drama pieces to the attentive audience. We wish Ben C the best of luck for his grade…

Resilience Workshops

14th March 2019

On Thursday 7th March, Natalie (from Positively MAD – Make a Difference) came to do a very special workshop for Yr 4, 5 and 6. The children learnt how the sides of their brain are different. Our left side is responsible for Maths and English whilst the right one is responsible for our creativity. Natalie thought us…

Multicultural Week in Kindergarten

14th March 2019

Our multicultural week kicked off on Friday with a multicultural ‘dress up’ day. Children came in wearing clothes from their own countries, their parents or their grandparents countries. Some of the children brought in objects from that country – a dollar bill from America, a purse from Nigeria and a pineapple to show what a…

Year 1 & 2 @ Brooklands Museum

8th March 2019

Year 1 and 2 went to Brooklands this week as part of their topic on past and present. They had a great day learning about old and new planes and cars. They enjoyed looking at the ‘posh plane with a bed on it’ and going on a trip in a double decker bus. They had…

Kindergarten at The Look Out!

8th March 2019

The children had a wonderful time at the Look out today. There were so many things for them to investigate. They loved the water and the boats and being able to control the flow of the water. They spent time putting roof tiles on the house (when we managed to get them up there and…

House Art Competition 2019

6th March 2019

The Results of the 2019 Lyndhurst School House Art Competition were announced in assembly on Monday. Mr Rudkin had a very difficult job judging all the entries, there was some wonderful art entered from every class from Reception to Year 6. But the winners were…In York Town, Krit with his ‘walking in the rain’ picture,…