Author: Louise Nye

ISA National Cross-Country

1st April 2019

Rupert and Seb did a fabulous job at the ISA National Cross-country finals at Rugby school this weekend. The race was very close and the boys finished 9 seconds apart. Seb came 21st and Rupert came 45th out of 70 runners. Rupert showed excellent resilience to come back after falling over near the start and Seb made…

Year 3 DT – Puppets

1st April 2019

Year 3 have made glove puppets in their design and technology lessons this term. They used felt material and learnt how to do running stitch and over stitch. It was the first time some of the children had tried sewing, it took a lot of concentration and resilience, but they are very pleased with their…

Swimming Galas

1st April 2019

A fantastic morning at the upper school swimming gala on Friday as well as at the Lower School last week! All the children showed outstanding team spirit and supported one another throughout the event.  Its was excellent to see everybody try their best and make achievements throughout the morning! The lower school swimming gala winners…

Year 5 – Project Fruit Salad

29th March 2019

Year 5 became chefs in their food technology lesson recently, they designed their own fruit salad recipes. They enjoyed making them and then tasting each other’s dishes. They look very appetizing.

Meet Dexter the Découpage Rabbit

29th March 2019

Meet Dexter the Découpage Rabbit. Look out for him in a shop in Camberley this Easter. Then see if you can spot anyone you know in a photograph on him. He certainly shows what a range of activities we do here at Lyndhurst School. Thanks to all the staff and children who helped to decorate…

Reception learn about Vets

26th March 2019

As part of their People Who Help Us topic the children in the Reception Class had a visit from the vets at Vets4Pets in Bagshot along with two rabbits and a gecko.  The children found out why vets and nurses have to wear special clothes by dressing up in scrubs, gloves, masks and a hat,…

Year 5 & 6 – British Values

21st March 2019

Always stay curious!  Years 5 and 6 had the pleasure of a talk all about the British Values. It involved a trip down our historical timeline, and notable events that happened in our countries past that shaped how we live today. Key events included the Suffrage movement, the signing of the Magna Carta and the…

Explore Learning Writer’s Workshop

19th March 2019

Years 4 – 6 were very lucky to have Sam and Nicky from Explore Learning introducing them to their Writers’Award Competition. The most exciting thing about the competition is the fact that the first prize is a four day break for two adults and two children to Disneyland Paris, including travel and accommodation! For the…

Year 3 Musical Experience!

19th March 2019

Following on from  time learning about the instruments in the Orchestra, Year 3 have spent time on the Clarinet, Oboe, and Violin over the last 2 weeks. They learnt about which Instrument groups they are in, and their parts and functions. All the children had a go on both the Clarinet and Violins, showing the difference…

Kindergarten Skype Tokyo

16th March 2019

As part of our multicultural week we spoke to Miss Tutcher’s brother and niece and nephew in Tokyo this morning. Miss Tutcher tried to say ‘my name is Miss Tutcher’ in Japanese but got it quite wrong so her niece Emily corrected her. Harry and Emily taught the children how to say hello, count to…