Author: Louise Nye

Year 4 @ Hampton Court

12th September 2019

Our Royal Coach departed from Lyndhurst School with the Year 4 courtiers to impress Henry VIII with their knowledge about his family. On arrival they attempted to try a sample the royal wine from the fountain but unfortunately the Tudors have drunk it all!  Tiptoeing along the cobbled courtyard to take a peak into the…

Year 4 @ Hampton Court

12th September 2019

Our Royal Coach departed from Lyndhurst School with the Year 4 courtiers to impress Henry VIII with their knowledge about his family. On arrival they attempted to try a sample the royal wine from the fountain but unfortunately the Tudors have drunk it all!  Tiptoeing along the cobbled courtyard to take a peak into the…

Year 3 @ Bignor Roman Villa

12th September 2019

Today Year 3 had a very exciting day out at Bignor Roman Villa. It was a jam packed day full of lots of different activities. They enjoyed a guided tour around the villa examining the mosaic floors in great detail and learning all about how the Romans lived. Year 3 were extremely fascinated by the…

Lyndhurst Summer Camp

9th August 2019

Great fun was had by all at the Lyndhurst School Summer Camp. The children had a busy week doing a range of activities including crafts, where they modelled sea creatures out of clay, made dream catchers, fans and sun visors. They participated in science based activities including making lava lamps and designing paper planes. There…

Art Exhibition and Pimms

9th August 2019

The Lyndhurst art department celebrated the end of another fantastic year by holding an art exhibition on Thursday 9th July. There were over 100 works of art on display by Lyndhurst children from reception class to year 6. The children loved finding their work on display and proudly showing it off to their parents. Everyone…

Farewell to Lyndhurst

9th August 2019

Our Year 6 Leavers enjoyed a lovely evening during their last week. They bought their parents to school for a drinks reception and then the Leavers enjoyed an evening of good food and lots of dancing. Good Luck everyone. You are always part of the Lyndhurst Family and will always be welcome.

LAMDA Success!

9th August 2019

LAMDA students in the lower school had some amazing results in their stage one introductory exams. Arrianna, Ned, Krit, Buck, Austin, Trinity, Cadence, Alex, Jasmine, Giselle and Liv all passed with distinction and Eesa passed with merit. They all received certificates in the final assembly at the end of term. We are very proud of…

Kindergarten Sports

10th July 2019

We had a brilliant Kindergarten Sports Morning. The children started off with their warm up game which involved walking the tightrope, making balancing shapes, swinging on a trapeze and climbing a rope. We moved on to our five activities – target practice, agility which involved going through hoops and stepping through a ladder on the…

Whole School Sports Day @ The RMA

8th July 2019

Reception to Year 6 had a fabulous Sports day at the Royal Military Academy! Everyone enjoyed their day and there was fantastic effort and sportsmanship all round. Lyndhurst pupils did the staff proud and it was evident that they had all made great improvements in sport throughout the year. The day started with a fabulous…

Year 4 Design & Technology

5th July 2019

Year 4 have made replica Ancient Egyptian cartouches in their design and technology lessons this term. First they had to learn how to write their names in hieroglyphics. Then they made their cartouche out of clay and wrote their Egyptian names on them. Finally they painted the cartouches using acrylic paints.