Author: Louise Nye

Year 5 Art – Human Body in Motion

7th November 2019

In Art this term year 5 have been studying the human body in motion. They produced some lovely paintings showing movement. Well done Year 5.

Thank you from BESOM

6th November 2019

Following our recent Harvest Festival collection of food for BESOM, we were delighted to receive this from them. We are so pleased our gifts are being putting to such good use.

Celebrating Differences – Sight for Surrey Assembly

6th November 2019

Our ‘Celebrating Differences’ theme for this half term was launched in Upper School Assembly by Callum from Sight for Surrey. He led Upper School Assembly on Wednesday 6th November, he has been blind from birth but this hasn’t stopped him from doing anything. He shared a story with the children about how he learnt to…

A Year, that’s 365 days of Doodlemaths!

4th November 2019

Congratulations to Alice who has been logging onto her DoodleMaths account everyday for an entire year! Her class celebrated with some delicious treats and she has been awarded a certificate and Amazon Voucher. Well Done Alice, we hope that your Maths continues to go from strength to strength!

Year 6 World War II DT Project

18th October 2019

As part of their studies about WWII this term year 6 have been making model Anderson shelters in design and technology lessons. They researched the shelters and discovered that they were made out of corrugated iron. They substituted the iron for corrugated card. The children all worked very hard to produce their models using wood,…

No Pen Day @ Lyndhurst

18th October 2019

As part of Dyslexia Awareness Week last week the whole school held a ‘no pen’ day. The teachers were challenged to think of new lesson ideas and the children really enjoyed the alternative ways of demonstrating their learning. Among the many exciting lessons that took place during the day, in Science torches were used to…

Lower School Cake Sale

18th October 2019

There was real buzz in school this week with the first Cake Sale of the year. Thank you to Mrs Mellish, Mrs Hunter and Mrs Gordon for decorating the Science Room it looked incredible. The sale of the tasty delights raised £86 – nothing scary about that! It was lovely to see so many homemade cakes decorated…

FoL Quiz ‘n’ Chips Night

18th October 2019

The 2019 Friends of Lyndhurst Quiz and Chips night… A huge turnout to this annual event which saw 9 teams test their knowledge in a battle to take home the trophy..  Reassuringly, The Lyndhurst Teachers Team took home the prize.  Our children are obviously in safe hands!   Year 5, bringing up the rear in bottom…

Lyndhurst Christmas Card Competition Results

14th October 2019

All the Children in the school recently designed their own Christmas cards. Mr Rudkin looked at all the wonderful designs and chose a winner in each year group. The winners this year are Kaeto, Zayn, Lexi, Trinity, Sofia K, Nitya, Sophia S and Kyle. Sophia’s card with the winter scene and reindeer was chosen as…

Class Poetry Recital

11th October 2019

Thank you to all the parents who came to support their children with the poetry recital this morning. The pupils performed their poems with so much confidence and enthusiasm! We are very excited to see the class winners sharing their poems in our whole school recital next week. And the winners are: Reception – Anya…