Author: Louise Nye

Year 6 leavers dinner

6th July 2023

As we come to the end of the school year, we say a goodbye to all our Year 6s – Class of 2023.   The Year 6s got to enjoy and celebrate their time together at Lyndhurst School at the wonderful Year 6 leavers dinner and party.  We also welcomed all of their parents to come…

What an amazing year for Drama!

6th July 2023

It has been a fantastic year in the drama department. The Autumn term saw nativity plays being performed. The Early years performed ‘A Little Nativity’ and years 1 & 2 gave two performances of ‘The Angel who nearly missed it all’. In the spring term years 4 & 6 performed their production of ‘Wonderland’, which…

Corrina Lodge Intergenerational games and stories

6th July 2023

Year 1 and Year 2 were invited to go and visit the residents at Corrina Lodge care home.  The children had a wonderful time playing games, reading and singing to some of the residents of Corrina Lodge. There were lots of smiles and laughter from everyone!  Thank you to all of the staff and residents at…

Elan Valley Residential

6th July 2023

Year 6 have been waiting all year for their week in Wales! We all enjoyed an amazing week together at Elan Valley Lodge, Rhayadar. Under the direction of Steve and his amazing team we experienced kayaking, abseiling, rock climbing, archery, orienteering, tower building, zip-lining, Leap of Faith and a firm favourite the raft race! These…

Party in the park

6th July 2023

Year 1 and 2 were treated to a party in the park as a thank you for all of their hard work this year and to celebrate the end of term.  There was a veritable feast with all of the lovely party food the children brought in.  They all had a wonderful time!

French assembly

6th July 2023

Year 5 enjoyed taking part in their French assembly to the school and their parents. They wore red, white and blue clothes, and their theme was food and shopping. They sang two songs, one showcasing our basic roleplays phrases and the other celebrating treats and healthy food too. Then they performed the shopping roleplays that…

Money sense day

5th July 2023

All of Lyndhurst School enjoyed taking part the Money Sense day. There was a whole day of money-based activities for the children to get involved in. Raising their awareness of all things money, value and how this fits into all aspects of our day to day life. Year 6 hosted their bring and buy sale…

French day for Year 5

5th July 2023

Recently we held a French Day for Year 5; all the children came to school dressed in red, white and blue clothes and we had a very exciting time! They started off by hearing the story of ‘Le 14 juillet,’ (14th July), when in 1789 the French Revolution began. They learnt some key phrases and…

Reception Graduation

5th July 2023

Reception had their very own, very special graduation this week to mark their end of their Early Years journey as they move into Year 1.  All of their parents were invited in to watch their showcase and celebrate this occasion with them.  Well done Reception class!     

Reception trip to Wellington Country Park

5th July 2023

Reception had a wonderful time exploring Wellington Country Park and they enjoyed getting to go pond dipping which reinforced their topic they have been studying.  They found lots of interesting minibeasts and even our guide was impressed with what they found. The children then had a brilliant time exploring all of the parks and play…