Author: Louise Nye

Author Visit – Tracey Hall

26th November 2020

  Lyndhurst School were extremely fortunate to have a local author Tracey Hall visit them.  She shared with the children her passion about wildlife and protecting animals.  She told the children that she is a self-confessed nature lover, so she writes stories on a topic close to her heart.  She spoke about how she tries…

Anti-Bullying Week

26th November 2020

The theme for Anti-Bullying Week this year was ‘United Against Bullying’. Anti-Bullying Week took place from Monday 16th to Friday 20th November.  The children have been involved in different activities including assemblies.  In Lower School the children focused on the difference between bullying and falling out with their friends.  They were shared the story ‘Howard…

Music – Step back in time!

26th November 2020

  Year 5 have impressed Mrs Peacock with all their effort and work they have put into their projects on the decade of 80’s music. They have included lots of details, such as year of release for singles as well as albums, looking at genres covered, and even album artwork.  They should be proud of…

Art this week….. take a look

26th November 2020

New art and design & technology projects are underway in the art department, with a variety of skills being learnt across the school.  In Year One the children have been using different materials to create a ‘Great Fire of London’ collage scene. Year 3 are designing and creating mosaics linked with their history topic, ‘The…

Clubs – Let’s Get Creative!

19th November 2020

Miss Tutcher and the children enjoyed a very colourful, very messy Creative Club this week. Their aim was to make some bright and jazzy rainmakers, and by the looks of these pictures – they did just that! Well done to the Creative Club children for their hard work, concentration and attention to detail. A good…

Drama – Mime

19th November 2020

Year 5 are studying Mime this half term. Mime is the art of portraying a character, mood, idea, or narration by gestures and bodily movements. They have studied the work of Marcel Marceau and Charlie Chaplin as well as the more recent work of Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean. The children have been learning the…

French – with Pre-Reception

19th November 2020

In Pre-Reception French this term, we have been having lots of fun playing games with wild animal words. Recently we’ve started to learn our colours too, and shortly we will be learning some Christmas words!

Celebrating World Kindness Day

19th November 2020

On Friday 13th November the children at Lyndhurst thought about how they could be kind as it was World Kindness Day.  The children discussed how they can make the world a better place by being kind.  There was lots of talk about how just simple acts of kindness make a big difference to others.  In…

Lyndhurst Photography Competition – ‘Happiness is…’

19th November 2020

The House School Photography Competition this year was based on the theme ‘ Happiness is …’ this was open to adults too.  The children are choosing their favourite entry sent in by the residents from Corrina Lodge, Year Six will be judging the adult entries whilst the teachers will be selecting the winning entry sent…


16th November 2020

The children at Lyndhurst have been enjoying a wide variety of after school clubs this term. There is something exciting on offer every day whether you like sports, art, games and crafts. Here are a few snapshots of art club and fitness club. Here they can learn to create art work independently, or to follow…