Author: Louise Nye

Stepping it up!

22nd February 2021

As usual Lyndhurst children ‘stepped up’ for the Mrs Jones’s Weekly Sport’s Challenge.  It was great to see pictures and videos of children walking out and about with their families. We also had children stepping it up at home and with their dogs!  The children at school found different ways of moving around the school…

Picasso Faces

22nd February 2021

For art, across the school the children explored one the world’s most artist, Pablo Picasso.   He was experimental in his approach to art, often painting a common object or person from lots of different angles in one picture – cubism.  The children used different mediums to create their artwork this year using paint, pencil, pen and playdough for their faces.  These were exceptional…

Telephone Drama

22nd February 2021

Drama at Lyndhurst School is always entertaining.  The children used an object to have an imaginary telephone call.  There were a range of calls including a chat with the neighbour about a noisy dog and a gossip with friends. It was incredible fun to hear the conversations as the children created the illusion that there…

Rainbow challenge – the importance of friendship

19th February 2021

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”  For Rainbow Challenge we thought about how important Friendship is.  They discussed how the  world would be with no friends and how everyone would feel.  Year 6 compiled a Friendship song list there are super songs to listen to – Year 6 wrote ‘What is a friend?’ A…

Mindfulness – Self Control

11th February 2021

For Mindfulness across the school the children explored self-control.  They thought about ‘Why Do We Lose Control of Our Emotions?’ They thought about the reasons people ‘Flip their lid’ and recognised that it is a behaviour that we choose to do in response to an emotion we are feeling. There were some thoughtful reflections on…

Newspaper Art

11th February 2021

Using scraps of newspaper or magazine strips and a outline shape the children have created these awesome silhouettes projects.  They have made ‘statement pieces’ which look truly artistic. Well done.

Inside Out Day

11th February 2021

To mark the end of Children’s Mental Health week organized by Place2Be, on Friday was our ‘Inside Out Day’. During their ‘Rainbow Session’ the children wore an item or two of clothing inside out and took a moment to stop and think how others are feeling.  The children discussed why it is important to be…

Mail-able Hug

10th February 2021

Lyndhurst have made hugs to send to their family and friends far away.  These delightful hugs will brighten their day. ‘A hug is like a boomerang – you get it back right away.’ Bill Keane ‘Hugs are invented to let people know that you love them without having to say anything.’

Drama – props and body sculpture

10th February 2021

Drama is a powerful art where you can express yourself freely.  The children enjoyed finding objects letting their imaginations go free and use the household object as a prop. They also played  ‘Body Sculpture Olympics’ using their body to make an object or character.  Along with this they enjoyed learning the moves to a Greatest…

Uplifting spirits with colourful bunting!

10th February 2021

Being creative is so relaxing.  This week for Design & Technology the children cut, coloured, stuck and had fun making their own bunting. The earliest bunting was connected to the flags used on the ships of the Royal Navy. The sailor who had the job of raising the flags on board is still known as the “bunt”.