Author: Louise Nye

Little Lyndhurst – Colour hunting

25th September 2023

Little Lyndhurst have been learning all about colours.  During their maths lessons, the children enjoyed going on colour hunts and looking at the different shades of purple, green and blue around the class.

Year 4 trip to Hampton Court Place

25th September 2023

Year 4 had a brilliant trip to Hampton Court Palace.   The children loved the workshop with Lady Norfolk, where she taught them all about the different jobs people had in Tudor Times.  The children visited the gardens, kitchens and the Great Hall.  Their favourite part was the room where Henry VIII used to have meetings…

Creation story assembly

22nd September 2023

We would like to say thank you to Reverend Pippa and Tori, from St Michael’s church ,for coming in to lead an assembly on the Creation story.  The children enjoyed learning all about the Christian story of how God made the Earth in 7 days.  The children were very excited to be acting out being…

Boogie Pumps

18th September 2023

Lyndhurst School was fortunate to host Boogie Pumps for a brilliant Assembly.  The whole school got involved in learning a dance routine for the song ‘Sunroof’, which included some very tricky moves for a Monday morning!  It was a great way to start the busy week ahead.    

Annual Salesian 5-a-side Tournament

18th September 2023

Lyndhurst had a great day at the annual Salesian College 5-a-side tournament on 13th September, they played a mixture of local schools through the morning, starting with last years winners.  We saw some great saves from Sebastian supported with some strong defence from Monty and Amelia.  Zoravar made some good runs up front but was…

Little Lyndhurst – LEAF

18th September 2023

The children in Little Lyndhurst enjoyed an exciting LEAF lesson.  They had lots of fun exploring in the grounds of the school, feeling and smelling the different textures and aromas of the plants in the school and learning what the different plants and trees were.         


18th September 2023

In English for Year 4, they have been enjoying reading Tudor Tales as part of their topic on Tudors.  They did a lot of practice with VIPERS (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval, Summarising) for Reading Comprehension and they learnt how to use personifications in creative writing.

Welcome Back to Little Tots

18th September 2023

We are delighted to be able to start back Little Tots, our Parent and Toddler group, that runs on a Friday morning at 9.30 am.  It was lovely to see all of the children’s smiley faces again and to see how they have all grown over the Summer.  This week we had activities focussed on…

Year 3 trip to Bignor Villa

18th September 2023

Year 3 went on amazing visit to Bignor Roman Villa in West Sussex on Wednesday. The children had the opportunity to see remains of the original Roman villa. They loved learning about all of the different Roman mosaic floors and their significance. Year 3 saw the authentic Roman bath and discussed when a Roman would…

Year 5 Rural Life Museum

14th September 2023

Year 5 went to the Rural Life Museum in Farnham this week as part of their Victorians topic in Humanities. While there, the children got to see all of the marvellous agricultural and technological inventions that the Victorians developed, and enjoyed having a go on some of them themselves! They also experienced life in a…