Author: Louise Nye

Greenfield English Competition

10th May 2021

This week a group of year 4 children took part in the annual Greenfield English Competition, hosted by Greenfield School in Woking. This year the event was held online, with the children going up against 12 other schools over eight rounds of tricky questions – including a round on Cockney Rhyming Slang – culminating in…


7th May 2021

31 children took their LAMDA acting exams on Wednesday this week. They all performed their poems or scenes in front of the examiner and answered her questions. The children all enjoyed the experience even if some of them were a little nervous before they went in. I am sure they all did wonderfully and should…

Green Fingers at Lyndhurst

4th May 2021

Children across the school have been learning all about plants and what they need to grow and thrive. Year 3 have planted sunflowers and we eagerly await their progress. Year 1 have been discussing plants as part of their conversations around ‘living things’. They were busy this week getting stuck in with planting their potatoes….

All about the Art this week…

30th April 2021

Lots of exciting art and design & technology projects have been started across the school for this half term. In  Year 6 the children are learning illusion techniques and applying this to their drawings.  Linked with their topics Year 5 are designing and making Greek pots whilst Year 4 are making Ancient Egyptian necklaces and…

International Dance Day

30th April 2021

Year 5 embraced International Dance Day on Thursday 29th April with Luckley House joining in a virtual dance workshop. International Dance Day is a celebration day for those who can see the value and importance of the art form “dance”.  The warm up challenged some of the children and they were definitely limbered up ready…

Learning to throw and hit a target!

30th April 2021

This week Pre-Reception learnt the under and overarm throwing technique and how to throw to a target.  They then used these skills to thrown different types of objects.    There were some great throwing skills and lots of laughter particularly when they had to try and hit the teacher.

School equipment – in French

30th April 2021

In French this term we’ve started to take a look inside our schoolbags, and we can already recognise and name some of the items…can you?

Acting out poems

30th April 2021

Year 1 are working on performance poems this term. Each week they are learning a poem and performing it as a small group or a duo. The children are enjoying working together to decide how they will present their poem, sometimes they are reciting in unison, sometimes dividing the lines between them and sometimes they…

Happy Birthday Mr Rudkin

23rd April 2021

Hip Hip Hooray it’s someone’s birthday! We all had great fun celebrating Mr Rudkin’s birthday with him this week and wish him many happy returns. The day was full of birthday cheer and surprises. The whole school gathered to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ and Year 6 performed a special birthday song and dance. All year groups…

Welcome to Summer Term!

23rd April 2021

Hooray! The start of Summer term and the sun is shining. Lots of smiley happy faces this first week back at school. Exciting things ahead this term so keep any eye out for updates on the news and in your weekly form teacher emails. Here’s to a fresh new term full of learning, fun and…