Author: Louise Nye

In other news…

25th May 2021

What an exciting week! Year 1 have been using some great words to describe and remember the ‘Big Five’ African animals. They have also been working hard in maths, doubling and halving numbers. Year 2 have been enjoying reading the time and got to work crafting Oscar a new dog bed! Year 3 have had…

In other news…

25th May 2021

What an exciting week! Year 1 have been using some great words to describe and remember the ‘Big Five’ African animals. They have also been working hard in maths, doubling and halving numbers. Year 2 have been enjoying reading the time and got to work crafting Oscar a new dog bed! Year 3 have had…

Little Lyndhurst Life

25th May 2021

Much fun and excitement in Little Lyndhurst last week! Children brought in Teddy bears to enjoy some cake outside. In Reception, the children were busy matching shapes and creating pictures from shapes. They also explored the Bad Tempered Ladybird story and tried to imagine what she might have to say!

French – Off to the Shops!

25th May 2021

In Year 5 we have been extending our shopping theme to include shops and new roleplay phrases, and performing these to the class. We have also been learning two very different songs about food…to be revealed at our assembly in June!  

Barfield Three Peaks Challenge

25th May 2021

Year 5 & 6 really enjoyed their trip to Three Peaks at Barfield. A great day of team building and pushing personal limits! The children’s behaviour was exemplary and the staff at Three Peaks really enjoyed working with them. The Quad Bikes were a sure fire hit and Archery proved a challenge to the last group…

Wooden Art

25th May 2021

Lyndhurst children had great fun and showed true artistic imagination during art this week. Part of the outdoor theme continued as they designed and decorated wooden disks. Using colour, ink and intricate skills.

Egyptian Necklaces

25th May 2021

Year 4 have been having fun with their Ancient Egypt theme this term. What better way to embrace this than by designing some authentic Egyptian jewellery. All of the children used their knowledge on Ancient Egypt and what people important people wore to create some striking pieces.

Drama with Pre-Reception

20th May 2021

Pre-Reception are loving their drama lessons. They enjoy playing drama games, warming up their voices by singing songs and nursery rhymes and exploring movement through dance and movement. They have been acting out stories, songs and nursery rhymes. This week they acted out the story of the Three Billy Goats. They loved becoming the characters…

Art – Wow!

20th May 2021

Art at Lyndhurst has truly had a ‘Wow’ week this week! The work created by the children has been spectacular and with such a wide variety of topics and techniques covered. Year 1 have made some colourful African art including gorgeous sunsets, animals and masks.  Year 3 have designed and created some imaginative Viking boats…

Cricket Skills – with Camberley Cricket Club

20th May 2021

This week years 5 & 6 were lucky enough to have a cricket skills session from by Camberley Cricket Club’s Head Coach Paul Abraham. Paul delivered a full session which included aspects of Fielding, Bowling and Batting finished off with an Olympic style game that gave everyone the opportunity to bat.  Our pupils were shown…