Author: Louise Nye

Horseshoe Lake Trip

17th September 2021

Year 4 had an amazing end of year trip to Horseshoe Lake, where they did lots of activities like kayaking, paddle boarding, raft building and aero-balling (which is basketball on a trampoline, apparently!). Blue Team were victorious over Yellow Team in aero-balling. The rain threatened all day but thankfully stayed away as the children were…

Lyndhurst Celebrates

17th September 2021

Lyndhurst School celebrates 125 years +! The school’s 125th year was in 2020 and for reasons Covid our planned whole school and family celebration could not take place. So here we are in 2021 before the end of our summer term making the celebration stretch and ensuring the children celebrated together with a day of…

Local History Day

6th July 2021

Lyndhurst enjoyed an action packed day during our local history focus this term. With huge thanks to Kathy Joice from Surrey Heath Museum. Kathy came armed with local historical artefacts, dressing up costumes, stories and information galore! The children all ventured into Camberley to discover for themselves – finding old buildings, gathering clues into the…

Drama – What a term!

6th July 2021

It has been a busy year in the drama department, despite lockdowns. The Autumn term saw nativity plays being performed by early years and years 1 & 2 both of which were filmed by Farnborough Technical college. LAMDA lessons continued online during the spring lockdown, and drama challenges were enjoyed by all the children. The…

NEW! Lyndhurst World

6th July 2021

Read all about it – You heard it here first. Yes, it’s true Lyndhurst have launched their very own newspaper. Put together and edited by Year 6 and Miss Joyce, we get the inside scoop on the teachers, exclusives on Lyndhurst going’s on and even a puzzle section! See the link below for a PDF…

Move Up Mornings

6th July 2021

Exciting times ahead – everyone’s moving up. All children got the chance to experience the morning in their new Year classrooms and teacher. Getting a feel for their new surroundings is really important and an exciting change from the normal routine. The only scary thing is how quickly time flies!

French in Year 1

6th July 2021

Over this term we’ve been learning lots of schoolbag items, and how to say the colour of the item too; we can usually remember to put it after the item! We’ve also been learning how to say which items we have and don’t have.

LAMDA Success for Lyndhurst

6th July 2021

The results from the recent LAMDA exams were amazing, we had some great pass marks including 9 children passing with a merit and 19 children gaining a distinction. Fantastic results well done to all the LAMDA actors who took their exams this year.

Judo Demonstration

6th July 2021

This week the children were treated to a judo demonstration and coaching sessions from two international Judo players.  They were shown basic throws, holds and given the opportunity to try these out on their class mates.  All the children really enjoyed the opportunity and were excited to learn some new skills.

Music – Year 1 & 2

6th July 2021

In music this term, the year 1’s have had a go at conducting their own orchestra’s. Whilst listening to their favourite classical pieces the children really expressed themselves within the time and phrasing of the music with great delivery. Year 2’s have been enjoying listening to Beethoven’s 5th Symphony in Music this term. And then…