Author: Louise Nye

Drama – Year 3

4th October 2021

Year 3 have been exploring how to turn a narrative into a performance this term, they have looked at taking a poem and developing it into a drama. They have been working on the poem ‘Matilda’ by Hilaire Belloc and have turned it into a wonderful comic play which they loved performing to each other.

Lyndhurst V Barfield

4th October 2021

Well done to our girls for taking part in their U11 netball match against Barfield – it was a sunny, if chilly afternoon, and the girls performed really well. Playing 2 games, the first was a 15-10 win while the second was a narrow loss of 9-6. In all, an excellent effort, well done!

Year 2, lot’s to do!

4th October 2021

Year 2 have been busy out and about around the school grounds hunting for signs and symbols. I wonder how many they managed to find? All of the children showed some fantastic writing and story telling skills in their English pieces about a trip to Atlantis – well done. To reinforce their place value learning,…

Art at Lyndhurst

4th October 2021

The Art department at Lyndhurst are in full swing with lots of exciting new projects taking shape. Year 2 have been learning all about the bold colours and shapes in Kandinsky’s works. Year 3 have been carefully cutting leather in readiness for their Tudor pouches. Continuing with the Tudor theme, Year 4 have been exploring…

Introducing improvisation to bring drama alive!

24th September 2021

Year 6 have been studying the acting techniques developed by Constantine Stanislavski. Using his ‘magic if’ to bring realism into drama set in everyday situations. The actor must ask themself ‘what would I do in this situation?’ thus giving a natural reaction to the drama based on a personal response. They are working hard to…

L.E.A.F – with Year 2

23rd September 2021

L.E.A.F. this week has focused on the use of knots and being able to tie them. We focused on several simple knots to start with and worked as a team to tie reef knots (and in infamous granny knot!) as well as overhand and half stitches. The children made fishing rods, complete with natural bait,…

Year 6 – Salesian Football Tournament

21st September 2021

Here are our smiling Year 6 boys with their medals and certificates from taking part in the Salesian 5-a-side Football Tournament this week. They had a great day and thoroughly enjoyed taking part and playing some fantastic football. Well done!  

Playtime with Oscar

17th September 2021

What a wonderful busy week here at Lyndhurst. Here is a lovely snap of the Year 6 girls enjoying some down time with Oscar. Looks like they have built King Oscar his very own throne! Long live King Oscar!  

Drama – Year 5

17th September 2021

Year 5 are working on collaboration in drama this half term. Using both scripts and improvisations. This week they worked on a scripted performance titled ‘Cinderella the model’. Which is a different take on a traditional story. They had to work together as a group to rehearse and perform the piece. They learnt that everyone is equally important to the performance whichever…

Rural Life Museum – Year 5

17th September 2021

Year 5 experienced Victorian life at the Rural Life Museum.  They discovered all about the hardships and poor health endured by children during the era. The day was a “hands on” experience full of role play including having a wee in the chamber pot in the middle of the night and being caned for drawing…