Author: Louise Nye

Music – Making Instruments

12th October 2021

Reception class had an amazing time building and making their very own musical instruments this week. Thanks to your kind donations of recyclable materials the children across the school will be designing and making instruments – then attempting to play them!

Bocketts Farm – Reception Trip

12th October 2021

Reception thoroughly enjoyed their school trip to Bocketts Farm. There were lots of animals to see and stroke on our tour of the farm, they especially liked stroking the horse! We went on a very bumpy tractor ride around the grounds of the farm to see the animals in the fields. The children could run…

St. Michaels – School Prayer Box

12th October 2021

We are so pleased to be re-establishing our links with the local community including St.Michael’s Church. Rev. Pippa Ford kindly visited us and dropped off a prayer box. The box has been made for us by the church youth group and can be used by everyone in school to drop in any prayers they have….

Bignor Villa Trip – Year 3

12th October 2021

Year 3 had a wonderful school trip – with the added bonus of glorious weather – at Bignor Roman Villa in Sussex. We had the entire villa to ourselves for a very exciting day of fun and learning! The children really enjoyed learning all about how the villa was discovered and what the mosaics on…

Harvest Festival

8th October 2021

Giving and Thankfulness What another successful annual Harvest Festival with Pre-Reception to Year Six joining in! This year, Year Five led the festival as the school gave thanks for the many gifts we are given, and for the hard work all farmers put in, so that we are fed.  Two special songs were sung with…

Art – Tudor Pouches on Display

8th October 2021

Thank you to Mrs Dodds and the Year 4 children for the wonderful Tudor Pouches and art on display! It is so nice to see their hard work around the school and for them to be proud of their creations too. The children have taken great care to recreate these authentic looking pouches using different…

Drama – Let’s Pretend

7th October 2021

Reception have been getting into the Halloween sprit in drama this week, when they explored the book ‘Room on the Broom’. They enjoyed being witches flying on their broomsticks, they then became the dragon and worked in groups to create their own swamp monsters, before going on to mix magic potions in their cauldrons. Finally,…

Connect Catering – Our Heroes!

5th October 2021

We are to happy to congratulate our wonderful school Chef – Mrs Pearson and Mr Clay from our Connect Catering team. They both received Connect Heroes awards nominated by Lyndhurst for their excellent work. The wheels of Lyndhurst could not keep turning without their wonderful food and care. Thank you!  

Get Creative!

4th October 2021

So lovely to see all of the children enjoying Creative Club after school this week! Lot’s of bright colours and striking designs. The children loved sticking, painting, layering and creating. Some fantastic ‘concentrating’ faces too!  

S.T.E.M – Year 5

4th October 2021

In STEM, the Year 5 children have been looking into what is in our food? By exploring packaging of everyday foods we have at home and looking at ingredients, additives and weights etc – they can start to understand what they mean and the nutritional value of foods.